c++ Programming Glossary: cl.exe
what are the fast algorithms to find duplicate elements in a collection and group them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1332527/what-are-the-fast-algorithms-to-find-duplicate-elements-in-a-collection-and-grou 79 ' ' 7 comparisons ' ' 53 ' ' 7 Code compile with VC 10 cl.exe EHsc #include vector #include deque #include list #include map..
What do the following phrases mean in C++: zero-, default- and value-initialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1613341/what-do-the-following-phrases-mean-in-c-zero-default-and-value-initializat that MSVC follows the C 98 rules even in VS 2008 VC 9 or cl.exe version 15.x . The following snippet shows that MSVC and Digital..
How to use boost bind with a member function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2304203/how-to-use-boost-bind-with-a-member-function bind with a member function The following code causes cl.exe to crash MS VS2005 . I am trying to use boost bind to create.. here or here for common usage patterns. Note that VC8s cl.exe regularly crashes on Boost.Bind misuses if in doubt use a test..
C/C++ source file after preprocessing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/277258/c-c-source-file-after-preprocessing studio 2005 preprocessor share improve this question cl.exe the command line interface to Microsoft Visual C has three different..
Why/when is __declspec( dllimport ) not needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489441/why-when-is-declspec-dllimport-not-needed server.h int main CServer s The server command line cl.exe Od D WIN32 D _DEBUG D _WINDOWS D _USRDLL D SERVER_EXPORTS D.. Debug vc80.pdb W3 nologo c Wp64 ZI TP errorReport prompt cl.exe OUT U libs Debug server.dll INCREMENTAL NO NOLOGO DLL MANIFEST.. uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Client command line cl.exe Od I .. server D WIN32 D _DEBUG D _CONSOLE D _UNICODE D UNICODE..
What is the difference between the /Ox and /O2 compiler options? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5063334/what-is-the-difference-between-the-ox-and-o2-compiler-options the Ox and O2 compiler options Microsoft's C compiler cl.exe as included with Visual Studio offers several optimization switches..
Unit test compile-time error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605915/unit-test-compile-time-error not errorlevel 0 goto pass @echo 1 FAILED pass Note that cl.exe i.e. Visual Studio compiler need to be in your path for this..
How to Detect if I'm Compiling Code With Visual Studio 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/70013/how-to-detect-if-im-compiling-code-with-visual-studio-2008 you see in the about box not to the year in the name. cl.exe will give a hint of the used version e.g. c program files x86..
Command line compile using cl.exe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7865432/command-line-compile-using-cl-exe line compile using cl.exe Am trying to use the Visual Studio Express 2010 C compiler.. Express 2010 C compiler without using the IDE. I found cl.exe in C Program Files x86 Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 VC bin... etc from within a solution folder that does not contain cl.exe. At the moment i have to be inside bin folder. Thanks. c visual..
How to show command line build options in Visual C++ 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/823854/how-to-show-command-line-build-options-in-visual-c-2008 0 up to date 0 skipped How get I get a output like this cl.exe Od I includepath D _UNICODE FD EHsc RTC1 MDd Zc wchar_t Fo Debug..