c++ Programming Glossary: cin.getline
cin.getline() is skipping an input in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10199897/cin-getline-is-skipping-an-input-in-c is skipping an input in C If I use the following code getline..
cin and getline skipping input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10553597/cin-and-getline-skipping-input a new customer... endl cout Enter the customer's name cin.getline name 256 cout Enter the customer's address cin.getline address.. cin.getline name 256 cout Enter the customer's address cin.getline address 256 Customer c name address 0 CustomerDB addCustomer..
Difference between string and char[] types in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1287306/difference-between-string-and-char-types-in-c std int main char name 256 title 256 cout Enter your name cin.getline name 256 cout Enter your favourite movie cin.getline title 256.. name cin.getline name 256 cout Enter your favourite movie cin.getline title 256 cout name 's favourite movie is title return 0 both..
How can I decode HTML entities in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2078520/how-can-i-decode-html-entities-in-c src int main char line 100 std cout Enter encoded line std cin.getline line sizeof line decode_html_entities_utf8 line 0 std cout line..
Reverse C-style String? - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2197412/reverse-c-style-string-c a short string of words. cout nI will reverse them. cout n cin.getline buffer 79 cout nYou typed buffer reverse buffer cout nReversed..
How do I best handle dynamic multi-dimensional arrays in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/365782/how-do-i-best-handle-dynamic-multi-dimensional-arrays-in-c-c std cout std endl std tr1 array char 256 entry_buffer std cin.getline entry_buffer.data entry_buffer.size const std string entry entry_buffer.data..
Program is skipping over Getline() without taking user input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3731529/program-is-skipping-over-getline-without-taking-user-input .Age cout endl cout Enter the address of the person endl cin.getline Record Entrynumber .Address 70 cout endl stringentry Record.. you like to add another entry to the archive Y N Both cin.getline and getline do the same thing. I'm using MVC 2008. All of the.. buffer which getline retrieves. Try cin.ignore 1000 ' n' cin.getline Record Entrynumber .Address 70 The operator doesn't remove the..
program skipping a line of code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4241581/program-skipping-a-line-of-code ' n' cout What will the title of the page be endl cin.getline title 100 cout What is your name endl cin.getline name 100 cout.. be endl cin.getline title 100 cout What is your name endl cin.getline name 100 cout What is the copyright endl cin.getline copyright.. endl cin.getline name 100 cout What is the copyright endl cin.getline copyright 100 cin.get return 0 You see how after asking if this..
C++ cin input with spaces? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5838711/c-cin-input-with-spaces Hello World EDIT I'm actually doing this with structs and cin.getline doesn't seem to work. Here's my code struct cd string CDTitle.. string CDTitle 50 string Artist 50 int number_of_songs 50 cin.getline library.number_of_songs libNumber 250 This yields an error... space share improve this question You have to use cin.getline char input 100 cin.getline input 100 share improve this answer..
ifstream object.eof() not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/730910/ifstream-object-eof-not-working char cArray 100 ifstream object cout Enter full path name cin.getline cArray 100 if object return 1 Path is not valid This statement..
Identifier not found error on function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329103/identifier-not-found-error-on-function-call namespace std int main char name 30 cout Enter a name cin.getline name 30 swapCase name cout Changed case is name endl _getch..