c++ Programming Glossary: ci
cin.getline() is skipping an input in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10199897/cin-getline-is-skipping-an-input-in-c is skipping an input in C If I use the following code.. it int main int n map string set string lst string c s c2 cin n for int i 0 i n i getline cin c here it skips the input.. string lst string c s c2 cin n for int i 0 i n i getline cin c here it skips the input for last iteration stringstream ss..
Need help compiling jpegtran.c code from libjpeg http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14631530/need-help-compiling-jpegtran-c-code-from-libjpeg folder projectName include but after it now requires specific include .h specified below. Related to that issue in the.. include but after it now requires specific include .h specified below. Related to that issue in the project explorer it.. in jpegtran.c LOCAL void do_rot_180 j_decompress_ptr srcinfo j_compress_ptr dstinfo JDIMENSION x_crop_offset JDIMENSION..
Making map::find operation case insensitive http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1801892/making-mapfind-operation-case-insensitive comparison in STL assos. containers struct ci_less std binary_function std string std string bool case independent.. std string std string bool case independent ci compare_less binary function struct nocase_compare public std.. Use it like std map std string std vector std string ci_less myMap NOTE std lexicographical_compare has some nitty gritty..
C++11 auto: what if it gets a constant reference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7138588/c11-auto-what-if-it-gets-a-constant-reference variables of type int never const int auto a1 i auto a2 ci auto a3 pci auto a4 pcs i During type deduction for template.. of type int never const int auto a1 i auto a2 ci auto a3 pci auto a4 pcs i During type deduction for template parameters.. is retained template typename T void f T p int i const int ci 0 const int pci i f i as before calls f int i.e. T is int f..
What continuous integration tool is best for a C++ project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145586/what-continuous-integration-tool-is-best-for-a-c-project this question We have been using CruiseControl for CI on a C project. While it is the only thing we use ant for the.. less than the cost of maintaining and updating a custom CI build script. If all you need is to launch a daily build and.. by all means do that. However one of the advantages of CI is that you get a build status report after every check in...
C++ typedef interpretation of const pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2253738/c-typedef-interpretation-of-const-pointers This is so for the very same reason why typedef const int CI has the same meaning as typedef int const CI Typedef name don't.. const int CI has the same meaning as typedef int const CI Typedef name don't define new types only aliases to existing..
LLVM get constant integer back from Value* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5315176/llvm-get-constant-integer-back-from-value approach is to use dyn_cast as follows if llvm ConstantInt CI dyn_cast llvm ConstantInt foo foo indeed is a ConstantInt we.. ConstantInt foo foo indeed is a ConstantInt we can use CI here else foo was not actually a ConstantInt If you're absolutely..
Jenkins and cFix unit testing (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6043382/jenkins-and-cfix-unit-testing-c C Has anyone used cFix Visual Assert along with Jenkins CI How to set it up How can i execute C Project Tests Testt Framework..
Is there a tool for cross platform continuous integration (c++ Win32 and linux) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/870469/is-there-a-tool-for-cross-platform-continuous-integration-c-win32-and-linux that run on a schedule to do builds. We'd like to have CI for our projects but I'd like to have only one CI server that.. to have CI for our projects but I'd like to have only one CI server that handles building on both platforms. Integration.. is important. Is it possible to have one configuration one CI product server do this Has anyone done this successfully Bamboo..