c++ Programming Glossary: awkward
How to hash and compare a pointer-to-member-function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328238/how-to-hash-and-compare-a-pointer-to-member-function That's potentially hard member function pointers are awkward and the storage is likely to include different amounts of non..
Setting thread priority in Linux with Boost http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1479945/setting-thread-priority-in-linux-with-boost worker threads and then change back if you want. Seems awkward but it is an alternative. Here's a hack of an example that hopefully..
Python/C++ Binding Library comparison http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1492755/python-c-binding-library-comparison right Boost Python Support Python 2 and 3 Syntax can be awkward to newcomers but is straightforward and mostly clutter free...
Implementing Matlab's colon : operator in C++ expression templates class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16339207/implementing-matlabs-colon-operator-in-c-expression-templates-class contains exactly two elements the latter would need an awkward double brace for initialization that might disappear in C 14..
How well is unicode supported in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17103925/how-well-is-unicode-supported-in-c11 . Several of these are useful but there is a lot of awkward stuff here. First off ”holy high surrogate that naming scheme..
Python snippet to remove C and C++ comments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241327/python-snippet-to-remove-c-and-c-comments prefer a non naive implementation that properly handles awkward cases. c python c regex comments share improve this question..
How to pass a class method as an argument for another function in C++ and openGL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496716/how-to-pass-a-class-method-as-an-argument-for-another-function-in-c-and-opengl change your void myDisplay in ClassBlah to be static. It's awkward to work around this limitation which is why the C faq lite says..
Why are Hexadecimal Prefixed as 0x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670639/why-are-hexadecimal-prefixed-as-0x 0x was arbitrarily chosen 00 was probably ruled out as awkward . C# is a descendant of C so it inherits the syntax. share..
Whats the right approach for error handling in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3119197/whats-the-right-approach-for-error-handling-in-c Management SBRM also known by the much more common and awkward name Resource Acquisition Is Initialization RAII . Basically..
using a class defined in a c++ dll in c# code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/315051/using-a-class-defined-in-a-c-dll-in-c-sharp-code Foo_Delete IntPtr value The downside is you'll have an awkward IntPtr to pass around but it's a somewhat simple matter to create..
What to do about a 11000 lines C++ source file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3615789/what-to-do-about-a-11000-lines-c-source-file in all branches. Because it's stable this won't cause many awkward merges that have to be applied to a different file from the..
Algorithm for finding the smallest power of two that's greater or equal to a given value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/364985/algorithm-for-finding-the-smallest-power-of-two-thats-greater-or-equal-to-a-giv at the beginning and adding 1 at the end is a little less awkward than his answer and also avoids the conditional at the end ...
C++ Returning multidimension array from function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3716595/c-returning-multidimension-array-from-function 5 typedefs can make things more readable with such awkward types pointer_to_arrays get_array return myarray int main Myclass..
Dynamic Shared Library compilation with g++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/483797/dynamic-shared-library-compilation-with-g you need. Many people find C's function pointer syntax awkward. One common pattern is to typedef the function pointer typedef.. cosine And cast using the type instead of the awkward function pointer syntax cosine cosine_func_ptr dlsym handle..
Why does C++ parameter scope affect function lookup within a namespace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5392699/why-does-c-parameter-scope-affect-function-lookup-within-a-namespace b without ADL c n operator a b While it might seem like an awkward situation consider that n might be the std namespace test might..
Is there a general consensus in the C++ community on when exceptions should be used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5609503/is-there-a-general-consensus-in-the-c-community-on-when-exceptions-should-be-u problem with exceptions per se but they can make the code awkward consider void noExceptions Container const c Pointer Object..
Header file inclusion static analysis tools? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6685457/header-file-inclusion-static-analysis-tools in the w is there to suppress all warnings which might be awkward to deal with. From the gcc docs H Print the name of each header..
Best way to start a thread as a member of a C++ class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/86046/best-way-to-start-a-thread-as-a-member-of-a-c-class
Why are standard iterator ranges [begin, end) instead of [begin, end]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9963401/why-are-standard-iterator-ranges-begin-end-instead-of-begin-end so that you can write the range as 0 N without any awkward offsets or corrections. In a nutshell the fact that we don't..