c++ Programming Glossary: autoptr
Using Poco::Logger for entire project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14114014/using-pocologger-for-entire-project Poco Logger for entire project AutoPtr SplitterChannel splitterChannel new SplitterChannel AutoPtr.. SplitterChannel splitterChannel new SplitterChannel AutoPtr Channel consoleChannel new ConsoleChannel AutoPtr Channel fileChannel.. AutoPtr Channel consoleChannel new ConsoleChannel AutoPtr Channel fileChannel new FileChannel Arcanite.log AutoPtr FileChannel..
Poco::Net Server & Client TCP Connection Event Handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14632341/poconet-server-client-tcp-connection-event-handler is data waiting to be read void onSocketReadable const AutoPtr ReadableNotification pNf @Brief Event Handler when Socket was.. away not received by client void onSocketWritable const AutoPtr WritableNotification pNf @Brief Event Handler when Socket was.. on the remote peer side void onSocketShutdown const AutoPtr ShutdownNotification pNf @Brief Event Handler when Socket throws..
Is it ever not safe to throw an exception in a constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1197566/is-it-ever-not-safe-to-throw-an-exception-in-a-constructor later in the innards of dostuff. I think I want to put an autoptr around P and call release on the autoptr after dostuff to prevent.. I want to put an autoptr around P and call release on the autoptr after dostuff to prevent a memory leak would that be correct.. forgot to mention. You asked this I think I want to put an autoptr around P and call release on the autoptr after dostuff to prevent..