c++ Programming Glossary: avg
SWIG : Unable to access constructor with double pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13392512/swig-unable-to-access-constructor-with-double-pointer n double thre ~GradedComplex void push item_type item void avg double buf And CPP code is #include iostream #include GradedComplex.h.. thre_ i grade_ i insert item break void GradedComplex avg double buf for int i 0 i n_ i int n 0 double acc .0l for grade_type.. 1.2 3.4 5.6 SWIG can handle returning vectors as well so avg can be std vector double GradedComplex avg ... share improve..
Quick and dirty way to profile your code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/61278/quick-and-dirty-way-to-profile-your-code times msg times _T times total time seconds _T seconds _T avg average _T n OutputDebugString msg.str .c_str void add_time..
Optimizations for pow() with const non-integer exponent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6475373/optimizations-for-pow-with-const-non-integer-exponent xunder _mm_mul_ps x2 xfm1 sqrt2 over 2 sqrt2 under __m128 xavg _mm_mul_ps _mm_set1_ps 1 3 0.629960524947437 0.999852 _mm_add_ps.. 1 3 0.629960524947437 0.999852 _mm_add_ps xover xunder xavg _mm_mul_ps xavg _mm_rsqrt_ps xavg xavg _mm_mul_ps xavg _mm_rsqrt_ps.. 0.999852 _mm_add_ps xover xunder xavg _mm_mul_ps xavg _mm_rsqrt_ps xavg xavg _mm_mul_ps xavg _mm_rsqrt_ps xavg return..