c++ Programming Glossary: avoids
Meaning of acronym SSO in the context of std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10315041/meaning-of-acronym-sso-in-the-context-of-stdstring size varies it stores it directly in that array. This avoids the need to call new at all which speeds things up a bit. EDIT..
How to overload std::swap() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11562/how-to-overload-stdswap from std because the tempted swap is an exact match and it avoids the problem of only swapping the 'base' parts of your derived..
How can I find all permutations of a string without using recursion? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326824/how-can-i-find-all-permutations-of-a-string-without-using-recursion topermute newstring x newstring y newstring y topermute x avoids temp variable return newstring void permute string topermute.. topermute newstring x newstring y newstring y topermute x avoids temp variable return newstring void permute std string topermute..
How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14261183/how-to-make-generic-computations-over-heterogeneous-argument-packs-of-a-variadic use of perfect forwarding to allow for heavy inlining and avoids unnecessary copies moves to allow for minimum performance loss..
Is std::string thead-safe with gcc 4.3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1594803/is-stdstring-thead-safe-with-gcc-4-3 that is hidden from the user if and only if it activly avoids possible data races. It sounds like a copy on write implementation..
Why don't STL containers have virtual destructors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1647298/why-dont-stl-containers-have-virtual-destructors each STL method. This is just as performant as inheritance avoids the cost of a virtual method table in the cases where that matters..
Why pass by const reference instead of by value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2582797/why-pass-by-const-reference-instead-of-by-value the other EDIT So basically passing by const reference avoids copying the object. So in what situations is copying the object..
Generate random numbers uniformly over an entire range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288739/generate-random-numbers-uniformly-over-an-entire-range a BigRand function like posted by Mark Ransom. This also avoids some slicing problems due to the modulo which can worsen your..
Is this key-oriented access-protection pattern a known idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3220009/is-this-key-oriented-access-protection-pattern-a-known-idiom access control than making Foo a friend of Bar and avoids more complicated proxying patterns. Does anyone know whether..
#pragma pack effect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3318410/pragma-pack-effect in memory usually a multiple of the type's size . This avoids the performance penalty or outright error on some architectures..
Algorithm for finding the smallest power of two that's greater or equal to a given value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/364985/algorithm-for-finding-the-smallest-power-of-two-thats-greater-or-equal-to-a-giv the end is a little less awkward than his answer and also avoids the conditional at the end . Round up to next higher power of..
C++ performance challenge: integer to std::string conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4351371/c-performance-challenge-integer-to-stdstring-conversion same reason returning by reference is better because it avoids an assignment a constructor and a destructor. share improve..
Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/712639/understanding-the-meaning-of-the-term-and-the-concept-raii-resource-acquisiti member function not even the destructor gets called. RAII avoids using objects in an invalid state. it already makes life easier..
Implementing a no-op std::ostream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/760301/implementing-a-no-op-stdostream anyone suggest a way to have a truly null std ostream that avoids doing any work at all on the parameters passed to it with Thanks...
Why should I prefer to use member initialization list? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/926752/why-should-i-prefer-to-use-member-initialization-list of style. For class members which are classes then it avoids an unnecessary call to a default constructor. Consider class..
Detecting the parameter types in a Spirit semantic action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9404189/detecting-the-parameter-types-in-a-spirit-semantic-action myderived int a int b int c int d auto base_expr int_ int_ avoids assigning to struct attribute rule decltype f mybase space_type.. f std begin input l std end input auto base_expr int_ int_ avoids assigning to struct attribute rule decltype f mybase space_type..
Is there ever a need for a “do {…} while ( )” loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/994905/is-there-ever-a-need-for-a-do-while-loop &rdquo loop Bjarne Stroustrup C creator once said that he avoids do while loops and prefers to write the code in terms of a while..