c++ Programming Glossary: av
C++ struct alignment question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1455458/c-struct-alignment-question struct alignment question I have a predefined struct actually several where variables span across.. a series of one per vendor language extensions you still have byte order to worry about and you still have a struct layout.. you still have byte order to worry about and you still have a struct layout that requires extra instructions to access...
will array_view.synchronize_asynch wait for parallel_for_each completion? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19830470/will-array-view-synchronize-asynch-wait-for-parallel-for-each-completion wait for parallel_for_each completion If I have a concurrency array_view being operated on in a concurrency.. is executing using namespace Concurrency array_view int av parallel_for_each extent 1 number index 1 idx do some intense.. 1 number index 1 idx do some intense computations on av do some stuff on the CPU while we wait av.synchronize wait for..
glibc detected error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2244822/glibc-detected-error bits stl_map.h 93 #15 0x0000000000404846 in main ac 4 av 0x7fff93a31d48 at kprank_new3_norm.cpp 577 Upon entering the.. gdb I get gdb frame 15 #15 0x0000000000404846 in main ac 4 av 0x7fff93a31d48 at kprank_new3_norm.cpp 577 577 fout3.close Can.. code you are writing tries to access memory you don't have rights to. . kprank_new3_norm munmap_chunk invalid pointer..
Initializing struct, using an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286402/initializing-struct-using-an-array struct using an array I have a couple of array's const string a_strs cr 1 ag 2 gnd U prl.. of array's const string a_strs cr 1 ag 2 gnd U prl 12 av 123 sz 345 rc 6 pc 12345 const string b_strs cr 2 sz 345 ag.. b_strs cr 2 sz 345 ag 10 gnd M prl 11 rc 6 cp 34 cv 54 av 654 ct 77 pc 12345 which i then need to parse out for ' ' and..
Obtaining command line arguments in a Qt application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2918353/obtaining-command-line-arguments-in-a-qt-application const MyCustomException e return 1 return 0 Update I have identified the problem for some reason although argc is correct.. first return list const int ac self d_func argc char const av self d_func argv for int a 0 a ac a list QString fromLocal8Bit.. d_func argv for int a 0 a ac a list QString fromLocal8Bit av a return list That's all you've got. There's a Unicode caveat..
detect currently installed anti-virus [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3962902/detect-currently-installed-anti-virus related Q's. is there a way to detect currently instaled av without searching for known processes c delphi antivirus ..
C++ Logging and performance tuning library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4727006/c-logging-and-performance-tuning-library qDebug or similar log to a buffer and dump later it would save some effort. c performance logging share improve this question.. how to use it Sample Code int main int ac char av std auto_ptr dbg Timer section_timer new dbg Timer Option Parse.. .end match_key key if num maxrows maxrows num time_type avg ttl num compute mean std vector time_type sortedTimes dibcore..
how to iterate into a smaller container (i.e. stride != 1) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5424093/how-to-iterate-into-a-smaller-container-i-e-stride-1 #include algorithm #include vector int main int ac char av std istream input std cin std vector char buffer std copy std.. I am struggling however because my std vector float will have half as many elements as std vector char . If I could iterate.. str float data Then use it like this int main int ac char av std istream input std cin std vector float buffer Note Because..
Segmentation fault in malloc_consolidate (malloc.c) that valgrind doesn't detect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6725164/segmentation-fault-in-malloc-consolidate-malloc-c-that-valgrind-doesnt-detect Segmentation fault. 0xb7da6d6e in malloc_consolidate av value optimized out at malloc.c 5169 5169 malloc.c No such file.. in malloc.c gdb bt #0 0xb7da6d6e in malloc_consolidate av value optimized out at malloc.c 5169 #1 0xb7da9035 in _int_malloc.. out at malloc.c 5169 #1 0xb7da9035 in _int_malloc av value optimized out bytes value optimized out at malloc.c 4373..
boost:serialization reconstruction (loading) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6734814/boostserialization-reconstruction-loading reconstruction loading I'm using boost serialization to save data structures into a file. The actual data is a pointer vector.. a global object or is there a way to modify this behavior when reconstructing I'm sure I'm missing something here... a EDIT#2 template class S class P class A void Task S P A save const char file std ofstream ofs file assert ofs.good boost..
Class containing auto_ptr stored in vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/704780/class-containing-auto-ptr-stored-in-vector or dtor defined by intent auto_ptr Z p int main vector A av Z z A a z av.push_back a av.push_back A z av.clear Please examine.. by intent auto_ptr Z p int main vector A av Z z A a z av.push_back a av.push_back A z av.clear Please examine the above.. auto_ptr Z p int main vector A av Z z A a z av.push_back a av.push_back A z av.clear Please examine the above in your reply..
Can't obtain local IP using gethostbyname() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8106882/cant-obtain-local-ip-using-gethostbyname configured DNS system. I put correct in quotes because having a local host name that is not registered with DNS is perfectly.. valid for every purpose except your program. If you have a connected socket or can generate a connected socket I suggest.. local IP address. Note not the local IP address you could have several. Here is a sample program that does that. Obviously..
OpenCV won't compile due to unresolved externals — LNK2019 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10472393/opencv-wont-compile-due-to-unresolved-externals-lnk2019 __cdecl cv sum class cv _InputArray const sum@cv@@YA AV Scalar_@N@1@ABV_InputArray@1@@Z referenced in function double.. class cv _InputArray const double const mul@Mat@cv@@QBE AVMatExpr@2@ABV_InputArray@2@N@Z referenced in function double.. _OutputArray class cv Mat 0_OutputArray@cv@@QAE@AAVMat@1@@Z referenced in function double __cdecl getPSNR class..
64bit exceptions in WndProc silently fail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2631452/64bit-exceptions-in-wndproc-silently-fail Violation exception. Which is being swallowed causing the AV to disappear. You'll need to find out what code is doing this...
Loading a dll from a dll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2674736/loading-a-dll-from-a-dll may not have been initialized. Most likely you will get an AV. again emphasis added By the way on the Linux vs Windows question..
unresolved external symbol..no idea [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9928238/unresolved-external-symbol-no-idea __thiscall Field addField class Field addField@Field@@QAEPAV1@PAV1@@Z referenced in function public void __thiscall Form.. Field addField class Field addField@Field@@QAEPAV1@PAV1@@Z referenced in function public void __thiscall Form parse.. char_traits char class std allocator char parse@Form@@QAEXAAV basic_stringstream@DU char_traits@D@std@@V allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z..