c++ Programming Glossary: authors
DLL memory manager mixup http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1085873/dll-memory-manager-mixup around this so far by providing a convenience macro plugin authors have to use. Does anybody have alternative ideas maybe So far.. with this is that it's not as convenient for the plugin authors I think. I'd be interested in any other perspectives on this..
C++11 - declaring non-static data members as 'auto' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11302981/c11-declaring-non-static-data-members-as-auto auto type specifier for non statics. From an e mail to the authors template class T struct MyType T auto data func static const.. required to be diagnosed. Because of this controversy the authors no longer propose that auto be allowed for non static data members...
C++0x will no longer have concepts. Opinions? How will this affect you? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1154974/c0x-will-no-longer-have-concepts-opinions-how-will-this-affect-you compile time error messages as Jeremy Siek one of the co authors of the Concepts proposal writes http lambda the ultimate.org..
Difference: std::runtime_error vs std::exception() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1569726/difference-stdruntime-error-vs-stdexception C library is one possible approach offered to you by the authors of the language. As you see they decided to split all exception..
Intermediate results using expression templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1666176/intermediate-results-using-expression-templates a b c d This feature would be a huge advantage to C DSEL authors and users alike... Is it possible to solve this problem with..
Isn't the const modifier here unnecessary? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16834937/isnt-the-const-modifier-here-unnecessary semantics as for builtin rvalues do as the ints do some authors Meyers including recommended in C 98 to return by const rvalue..
When should you use 'friend' in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17434/when-should-you-use-friend-in-c This is particularly true of large codebases with many authors who may only be superficially familiar with different areas...
Undefined, unspecified and implementation-defined behavior http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397984/undefined-unspecified-and-implementation-defined-behavior behavior Basically you have to read good C books by authors who know what they're talking about. Screw internet tutorials...
Code polisher / reformater for C, C++ or Fortran http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3413391/code-polisher-reformater-for-c-c-or-fortran a bunch of files written in C C or Fortran by different authors with different opinions on formating how to comment ... and..
Looking for C++ STL-like vector class but using stack storage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/354442/looking-for-c-stl-like-vector-class-but-using-stack-storage which allocates from a stack buffer. The chromium authors wrote an allocator just for this http src.chromium.org viewvc..
What's safe for a C++ plug-in system? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43322/whats-safe-for-a-c-plug-in-system that supports C plug ins and if I want to give plug in authors a reasonably large choice of compilers say less than 2 year..
Binary serialization/de-serialization in C++ and C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4677669/binary-serialization-de-serialization-in-c-and-c-sharp at protocol buffers here but I'm biased as I'm one of the authors of the many extensions . You typically but not always define..
A C++ iterator adapter which wraps and hides an inner iterator and converts the iterated type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/470835/a-c-iterator-adapter-which-wraps-and-hides-an-inner-iterator-and-converts-the boost which would require a license agreement from their authors. Also iteration may not allocate any heap memory so no new or..
What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5205491/whats-this-stl-vs-c-standard-library-fight-all-about and it is these parts that many people including several authors and the notoriously error ridden cplusplus.com still refer to.. Over the years many people &mdash including prominent book authors and the notoriously error ridden cplusplus.com &mdash have continued..
What is the point of STL Character Traits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5319770/what-is-the-point-of-stl-character-traits are compared equal. Now suppose that the standard library authors designed strings without using traits. This would mean that..
Why does (i|o)fstream take a const char* parameter for a file name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972151/why-does-iofstream-take-a-const-char-parameter-for-a-file-name features using std string is an overkill. Apparently the authors of the library didn't think that they needed a run time resizable..
How to check dependencies of floats http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9136860/how-to-check-dependencies-of-floats The deeper reasons of that are very well explained by the authors of the other answers here. My thanks and votes to them for that...