c++ Programming Glossary: audioq
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv size SDL_mutex mutex SDL_cond cond PacketQueue PacketQueue audioq int audioStream 1 int videoStream 1 int quit 0 SDL_Surface screen.. av_free_packet pkt if quit return 1 if packet_queue_get audioq pkt 1 0 return 1 audio_pkt_data pkt.data audio_pkt_size pkt.size.. aCodec audio_st pFormatCtx streams index packet_queue_init audioq SDL_PauseAudio 0 Get a pointer to the codec context for the..
Decode audio and video and process both streams — ffmpeg, sdl, opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9429342/decode-audio-and-video-and-process-both-streams-ffmpeg-sdl-opencv size SDL_mutex mutex SDL_cond cond PacketQueue PacketQueue audioq int audioStream 1 int videoStream 1 int quit 0 SDL_Surface screen.. av_free_packet pkt if quit return 1 if packet_queue_get audioq pkt 1 0 return 1 audio_pkt_data pkt.data audio_pkt_size pkt.size.. aCodec audio_st pFormatCtx streams index packet_queue_init audioq SDL_PauseAudio 0 Get a pointer to the codec context for the..