c++ Programming Glossary: anything
Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1023306/finding-current-executables-path-without-proc-self-exe method is to use argv 0 . Although it could be set to anything by the calling program by convention it is set to either a path.. because not all shells do this and it could be set to anything or be left over from a parent process which did not change it..
Is there a difference in C++ between copy initialization and direct initialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051379/is-there-a-difference-in-c-between-copy-initialization-and-direct-initializati that result Direct initialization It first doesn't know anything about conversion. It will just try to call a constructor. In..
CSV parser in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1120140/csv-parser-in-c efficient Does anyone have faster algorithms using STL or anything else Thanks c parsing text csv share improve this question..
Unnamed/anonymous namespaces vs. static functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154469/unnamed-anonymous-namespaces-vs-static-functions the name of the namespace it's impossible to access anything within it from outside. But these unnamed namespaces are accessible..
What is the equivalent of the C++ Pair<L,R> in Java? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/156275/what-is-the-equivalent-of-the-c-pairl-r-in-java
Why use pointers? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/162941/why-use-pointers is Don't. Pointers are to be used where you can't use anything else. It is either because the lack of appropriate functionality.. I use pointers Short answere here is Where you cannot use anything else. In C you don't have any support for complex datatypes.. use pointers. Also you can have them to point at virtually anything linked lists members of structs and so on. Buty let's not go..
Default constructor with empty brackets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/180172/default-constructor-with-empty-brackets parse This is known as C 's most vexing parse . Basically anything that can be interpreted by compiler as function declaration..
Undefined, unspecified and implementation-defined behavior http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397984/undefined-unspecified-and-implementation-defined-behavior with undefined behavior. Basically the standard allows anything to happen once you invoke undefined behavior even nasal demons..
What is move semantics? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3106110/what-is-move-semantics reference parameter. Inside that constructor we can do anything we want with the source as long as we leave it in some valid..
How do you declare an interface in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318064/how-do-you-declare-an-interface-in-c concrete derived class. The destructor doesn't have to do anything because the interface doesn't have any concrete members. It..
Convert std::string to const char* or char* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347949/convert-stdstring-to-const-char-or-char Edit Notice that the above is not exception safe. If anything between the new call and the delete call throws you will leak..
Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176328/undefined-behavior-and-sequence-points a diagnostic message . In short undefined behaviour means anything can happen from daemons flying out of your nose to your girlfriend..
Operator overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421706/operator-overloading note here is that only two of these operators actually do anything the others are just forwarding their arguments to either of..
What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5205491/whats-this-stl-vs-c-standard-library-fight-all-about It gets put on CVs. And it is misleading. I hardly know anything about C 's history so I can't judge the article's correctness...
What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5727/what-are-the-barriers-to-understanding-pointers-and-what-can-be-done-to-overcome values are stored in this area never gets changed by anything other than the memory allocator or the core system routines..
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6441218/can-a-local-variables-memory-be-accessed-outside-its-scope room later a contract which you broke . In this situation anything can happen . The book can be there you got lucky. Someone else's..
What is a lambda expression in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7627098/what-is-a-lambda-expression-in-c11 return d Capturing variables So far we've not used anything other than what was passed to the lambda within it but we can..
Advantage of switch over if-else statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/97987/advantage-of-switch-over-if-else-statement the same code as a if else chain so you don't lose anything. If in doubt put the most common cases first into the switch..
Is there any reason to use the 'auto' keyword in C / C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1046477/is-there-any-reason-to-use-the-auto-keyword-in-c-c some other meaning to it other than 'local variable ' Anything it does that isn't implicitly done for you wherever you may..
Which I/O library do you use in your C++ code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/119098/which-i-o-library-do-you-use-in-your-c-code improve this question To answer the original question Anything that can be done using stdio can be done using the iostream..
Can code that is valid in both C and C++ produce different behavior when compiled in each language? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12887700/can-code-that-is-valid-in-both-c-and-c-produce-different-behavior-when-compile which means no hacks with #ifdef __cplusplus pragmas etc. Anything implementation defined is the same in both languages e.g. numeric..
throwing exceptions out of a destructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130117/throwing-exceptions-out-of-a-destructor Never print this std endl This basically boils down to Anything dangerous i.e. that could throw an exception should be done..
C++: Safe to use longjmp and setjmp? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1376085/c-safe-to-use-longjmp-and-setjmp Smart pointers boost's shared and intrusive pointers Anything else you can think of. Thanks James c linux exception gcc longjmp..
biggest integer that can be stored in a double http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1848700/biggest-integer-that-can-be-stored-in-a-double start and the 1 at the end have too many zeros in between. Anything less than 2^53 can be stored with 52 bits explicitly stored..
Compile to a stand-alone executable (.exe) in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2035083/compile-to-a-stand-alone-executable-exe-in-visual-studio console application share improve this question Anything using the managed environment which includes anything written..
Can main function call itself in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2128321/can-main-function-call-itself-in-c
How do I call native C++ from C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2211867/how-do-i-call-native-c-from-c google shows on managed C doesn't really seem helpful. Anything out there to help me out This doesn't seem unreasonable to me...
std::auto_ptr to std::unique_ptr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3451099/stdauto-ptr-to-stdunique-ptr known consequences but a unique_ptr can only be moved. Anything that looks like std auto_ptr int p new int std auto_ptr int..
Convert bitmap to PNG in-memory in C++ (win32) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366768/convert-bitmap-to-png-in-memory-in-c-win32 seems to be limited to images of width divisible by 4 . Anything else fails during the call to Save . Does anyone know the reason..
Destruction order of static objects in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/469597/destruction-order-of-static-objects-in-c
C++, __try and try/catch/finally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7049502/c-try-and-try-catch-finally whether or not an active exception should be caught. Anything is possible but you typically only look at the passed exception..
Why does integer overflow on x86 with GCC cause an infinite loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7682477/why-does-integer-overflow-on-x86-with-gcc-cause-an-infinite-loop the standard says it's undefined behavior it means it . Anything can happen. Anything includes usually integers wrap around but.. it's undefined behavior it means it . Anything can happen. Anything includes usually integers wrap around but on occasion weird..
What can and can't I specialize in the std namespace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8513417/what-can-and-cant-i-specialize-in-the-std-namespace hash shall meet the requirements of class template hash. Anything in type_traits The behavior of a program that adds specializations..
How can I intercept all key events, including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+tab? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886076/how-can-i-intercept-all-key-events-including-ctrlaltdel-and-ctrltab but all research I do seems to point me to you can't . Anything in C# or C would be great. I've thought of disabling the keyboard..
What happens in a double delete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9169774/what-happens-in-a-double-delete improve this question It causes undefined behaviour. Anything can happen. In practice a runtime crash is probably what I'd..
Move assignment operator and `if (this != &rhs)` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9322174/move-assignment-operator-and-if-this-rhs you can do on modern hardware is make a trip to the heap. Anything you can do to avoid a trip to the heap is time effort well spent...
At as deep of a level as possible, how are virtual functions implemented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/99297/at-as-deep-of-a-level-as-possible-how-are-virtual-functions-implemented know what the function signature looks like to call it. Anything that you would want to achieve with this ability that the language..