c++ Programming Glossary: anybody
How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10699265/how-can-i-efficiently-select-a-standard-library-container-in-c11 to choose the best container for the wanted usage. Does anybody know if there's already a C 11 version of it This is the previous..
Getting a FILE* from a std::fstream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/109449/getting-a-file-from-a-stdfstream is in question. Which is also probably why I can't find anybody that has wrapped a std stream with an object like this. FILE..
Why do we need a pure virtual destructor in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219607/why-do-we-need-a-pure-virtual-destructor-in-c are When do we really make a destructor pure virtual Can anybody give a good real time example When we are creating abstract..
Is there a working C++ refactoring tool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388469/is-there-a-working-c-refactoring-tool there a working C refactoring tool Does anybody know a fully featured refactoring tool for C that works reliably..
Why copy constructor is not called in this case? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1758142/why-copy-constructor-is-not-called-in-this-case above copy constructor is never called Visual C 2008 Does anybody know if this behavior is a result of compiler optimization or..
Why is `i = ++i + 1` unspecified behavior? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1860461/why-is-i-i-1-unspecified-behavior surprised that i i 1 gives an undefined value of i . Does anybody know of a compiler implementation which does not give 2 for..
Is there a simple script to convert C++ enum to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201593/is-there-a-simple-script-to-convert-c-enum-to-string with typedefed enums and unnamed C style enums. Does anybody know something for this EDIT The solution should not modify..
Can main function call itself in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2128321/can-main-function-call-itself-in-c main function call itself in C Can anybody tell what's the problem of the code below int main return main..
Variable initialization in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2218254/variable-initialization-in-c however it's not. The code below prints a random value can anybody tell me what rules if any apply to initialization Specifically..
Comparison of c++ unit test frameworks [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/242926/comparison-of-c-unit-test-frameworks CppUnit Boost and the new Google testing framework. Has anybody done any comparison yet c unit testing cppunit googletest boost..
Easy framework for OpenGL Shaders in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2795044/easy-framework-for-opengl-shaders-in-c-c fragment shader to an image and displays the result. Does anybody have an example or is there a framework c c opengl share..
In STL maps, is it better to use map::insert than []? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326062/in-stl-maps-is-it-better-to-use-mapinsert-than is unnecessary it exists only for convenience. Can anybody tell me that reason or am I just dreaming that there is one..
Windows threading: _beginthread vs _beginthreadex vs CreateThread C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/331536/windows-threading-beginthread-vs-beginthreadex-vs-createthread-c documentation and I just can't understand for example why anybody would decide to use _beginthread instead of CreateThread or..
Pure virtual functions may not have an inline definition. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174694/pure-virtual-functions-may-not-have-an-inline-definition-why weren't a specific reason for that. My question is does anybody know those specific reasons Good guesses are also welcome. Notes..
C/C++ with GCC: Statically add resource files to executable/library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4864866/c-c-with-gcc-statically-add-resource-files-to-executable-library Statically add resource files to executable library Does anybody have an idea how to statically compile any resource file right..
Why would anybody use C over C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/497786/why-would-anybody-use-c-over-c would anybody use C over C closed Although people seem to like to complain..
Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473107/operator-precedence-vs-order-of-evaluation than doing a single increment so it's hard to imagine anybody ever doing this in reality. Conceptually however the idea is..
What is the use of having destructor as private? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/631783/what-is-the-use-of-having-destructor-as-private it when the number hits zero. A private dtor would prevent anybody else from deleting it when there were still references to it...
In C++ I Cannot Grasp Pointers and Classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/96285/in-c-i-cannot-grasp-pointers-and-classes me from bring my C programming to the next level. Did anybody else have this problem If so how did you break through it Does..
Visual C++ program crashed, but no dumpfile generated. why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10672130/visual-c-program-crashed-but-no-dumpfile-generated-why situation makes SetUnhandledExceptionFilter not working Anybody knows this problem I can't figure out. c dump iocp share..
Is it possible to turn off support for “and” / “or” boolean operator usage in gcc? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1069352/is-it-possible-to-turn-off-support-for-and-or-boolean-operator-usage-in-gc up it would be really nice if GCC didn't let it slide. Anybody have any ideas on approaches to this If and and or are simply..
How do I use Qt and SDL together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/118659/how-do-i-use-qt-and-sdl-together to supply SDL with a window handle in which to render. Anybody has experience dong that Also the threaded part of the simulator..
What “CV_EXPORTS_W” means http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12083583/what-cv-exports-w-means it's definition I found a macro named CV_EXPORTS_W . Anybody knows it's meaning c opencv share improve this question ..
C++ try/throw/catch => machine code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331220/c-try-throw-catch-machine-code get the basics of MSVC's implementation on IA 32 handling. Anybody know for g on IA 32 or any other CPU for that matter c assembly..
vtable for .. referenced from compile error xcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458180/vtable-for-referenced-from-compile-error-xcode getting the following error compiling and iPhone project. Anybody know how I may fix it vtable for oned MultiFormatUPCEANReader..
Any way to cast with class operator only? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209793/any-way-to-cast-with-class-operator-only is a compiler bug but hopefully demonstrates the idea. Anybody know of any way to achieve this effect Edit More rationale to..
how to sum a large number of float number? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2148149/how-to-sum-a-large-number-of-float-number code to compare. The serial code also get wrong number. Anybody knows why Thanks my simple code is as follows. the result is..
whether rand_r is real thread safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2772090/whether-rand-r-is-real-thread-safe The code rand_r implemented by glibc is listed below. Anybody knows why rand_r is called thread safe int rand_r unsigned int..
C++ Library to Convert HTML to PDF? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/427927/c-library-to-convert-html-to-pdf commercial use and source would be nice but not essential. Anybody have any recommendations or experience doing this UPDATE To..
c/c++ FFT library with non GPL license [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463181/c-c-fft-library-with-non-gpl-license for the number of developper that will be compiling it. Anybody has good experience with such a FFT library I found this page..
Qt - How to get|compile Mysql driver http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6483523/qt-how-to-getcompile-mysql-driver shared build is not having MySql driver by default . Can Anybody say how to get compile it both in shared and static . Note I..
OpenCV Mat of cropped images do not correctly display on MFC View http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8546815/opencv-mat-of-cropped-images-do-not-correctly-display-on-mfc-view loses constant number of bytes in each row. Anybody has any idea to fix this problem cv Mat m_cvImage static int..