c++ Programming Glossary: appending
Wrong results when appending vector to itself using copy and back_inserter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11511510/wrong-results-when-appending-vector-to-itself-using-copy-and-back-inserter results when appending vector to itself using copy and back_inserter Inspired by this..
How is heap and stack memories mananged, implemented, allocated [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1213265/how-is-heap-and-stack-memories-mananged-implemented-allocated node when an allocated chunk needs to be de allocated or appending finding a free chunk when new heap space is needed. Each process..
Qt equivalent of PathAppend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13014145/qt-equivalent-of-pathappend of any trailing backslashes or lack of them . Meaning that appending dir1 to dir2 or dir1 to dir2 or dir1 to dir2 would produce the..
Appending std::vector to itself, undefined behavior? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14791984/appending-stdvector-to-itself-undefined-behavior undefined behavior This question made me uncertain about appending a vector to itself. So the question is Following lines of code..
Fork and core dump with threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18488598/fork-and-core-dump-with-threads If that is possible perhaps it would only be a matter of appending the data of the other threads to the core dump. However if that..
C++ equivalent of StringBuffer/StringBuilder? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2462951/c-equivalent-of-stringbuffer-stringbuilder the short append operations in one small string then appending this to the main string thus reducing the number of reallocations..
Is it bad practice to use a C header instead of its C++ equivalent in C++ (e.g. stdio.h instead of cstdio)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2649207/is-it-bad-practice-to-use-a-c-header-instead-of-its-c-equivalent-in-c-e-g have a bunch of C code in which you don't feel like appending std to each standard call then use the classic C headers. share..
C++ for a C# developer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/285723/c-for-a-c-sharp-developer will compile but it won't do anything sensible. Instead of appending a char to a string it will take the integral value of the char..
initializing std::string from char* without copy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361500/initializing-stdstring-from-char-without-copy many GB's amounts of data as such build a large string by appending many smaller C char strings trim the string convert the string.. enough buffer to prevent multiple heap allocations while appending the smaller strings and then you can just use that same C string..
floating point issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3733071/floating-point-issue to float i am getting as 0.10...01. The problem is the appending of non zero digit. How do i tackle with this problem. Thanks..
Brute-force, single-threaded prime factorization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3918968/brute-force-single-threaded-prime-factorization in the function is to allow for the odd requirement of appending the current num's factors to factors already in the vector...
Regex Replacing : to “:” etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/428013/regex-replacing-58-to-etc up a string as I process each match in turn including appending the substring containing no matches since the last match I found..
Double null-terminated string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4611237/double-null-terminated-string in the first place. The first example works because it is appending a single character not a string it accepts the character as.. checking to see if it's null. The second example tries appending a typical C string which by definition ends at the first null..
Boost Serialization multiple objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4973473/boost-serialization-multiple-objects boost using binary. I'm using ios append in order to keep appending multiple objects to this file. How do I go about retrieving..
How to prepend to a file (add at the top) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5500522/how-to-prepend-to-a-file-add-at-the-top example.txt . I was wondering if there's another way of appending files from the top . Other solutions from c or Java... also..
Understanding the vtable entries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5712808/understanding-the-vtable-entries vtable and a valid B2 vtable The compiler solves this by appending a separate B2 vtable to the end of our combined D B1 vtable..
Formatted and unformatted input and output and streams http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7152548/formatted-and-unformatted-input-and-output-and-streams into a string and it additionally relieves you from string appending operations via strcat or anything similar. Unformatted IO on..
How to implement “Variadic Template” with pre-c++0x(VS2008)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7683041/how-to-implement-variadic-template-with-pre-c0xvs2008 iostream #include string A helper for the result type of appending a value it could be more efficient with prepending but that..