c++ Programming Glossary: any_string
Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289985/parse-quoted-strings-with-boostspirit ascii alnum close_quote unquoted_string ascii alnum any_string quoted_string unquoted_string test unquoted_string at_c 0 _val.. at_c 0 _val _1 unquoted_string at_c 1 _val _1 repeat 1 3 any_string at_c 2 _val _1 arrow any_string at_c 3 _val _1 .. snip set.. 1 _val _1 repeat 1 3 any_string at_c 2 _val _1 arrow any_string at_c 3 _val _1 .. snip set rule names on_error fail snip ..
boost::spirit::qi Expectation Parser and parser grouping unexpected behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10378970/boostspiritqi-expectation-parser-and-parser-grouping-unexpected-behaviour rule looks like test identifier operationRule repeat 1 3 any_string arrow any_string conditionRule It relies on attributes to automatically.. test identifier operationRule repeat 1 3 any_string arrow any_string conditionRule It relies on attributes to automatically allocated.. identifier . test identifier operationRule repeat 1 3 any_string arrow any_string conditionRule This causes a cryptic compiler..