c++ Programming Glossary: tty
Monitoring Keyboard keys in Ubuntu [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12746869/monitoring-keyboard-keys-in-ubuntu than take a lot of time to understand the mysteries of tty s and become familiar with syscalls 2 . Then become familiar..
Read a password from std::cin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1413445/read-a-password-from-stdcin SetConsoleMode hStdin mode #else struct termios tty tcgetattr STDIN_FILENO tty if enable tty.c_lflag ~ECHO else.. mode #else struct termios tty tcgetattr STDIN_FILENO tty if enable tty.c_lflag ~ECHO else tty.c_lflag ECHO void tcsetattr.. struct termios tty tcgetattr STDIN_FILENO tty if enable tty.c_lflag ~ECHO else tty.c_lflag ECHO void tcsetattr STDIN_FILENO..
Simplest way to get a PTY in Linux C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2155314/simplest-way-to-get-a-pty-in-linux-c QT C They work fine but I can't get them to run Bash in a tty which you need if you are going to use anything like sudo which.. you are going to use anything like sudo which requires a tty pty to accept a password. I found some things like forkpty openpty.. of my program needs to do is be able to read write from a tty running bin bash. Is it really that simple or is there more..
Debugging ncurses with Eclipse CDT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3938291/debugging-ncurses-with-eclipse-cdt a different terminal for the output much like when you do tty dev pts 1 in gdb Or any other way to debug a ncures application.. 1 Discover your terminal name in a terminal window type 'tty' and note the result e.g. dev pts 0 2 In the Eclipse menu do..