c++ Programming Glossary: forward
What is the difference between a definition and a declaration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1410563/what-is-the-difference-between-a-definition-and-a-declaration a declaration and struct x a definition . In other words forward declaration is something of a misnomer since there are no other..
Advantages of using forward http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3582001/advantages-of-using-forward of using forward In perfect forwarding std forward is used to convert the named.. of using forward In perfect forwarding std forward is used to convert the named rvalue references.. of using forward In perfect forwarding std forward is used to convert the named rvalue references t1 and t2 to..
What does T&& (double ampersand) mean in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5481539/what-does-t-double-ampersand-mean-in-c11 use case for that. c c 11 rvalue reference c faq perfect forwarding share improve this question It declares an rvalue reference.. foo f2 std move f1 Move f1 into f2 f1 is now empty Perfect forwarding . rvalue references allow to properly forward arguments for.. Perfect forwarding . rvalue references allow to properly forward arguments for templated functions. Take for example this factory..
When to use forward declaration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/553682/when-to-use-forward-declaration to use forward declaration I am looking for the definition of when I am allowed.. I am looking for the definition of when I am allowed to do forward declaration of a class in another class's header file Am I allowed.. for a class passed to member function by reference etc. c forward declaration share improve this question Put yourself in..
Difference between 'struct' and 'typedef struct' in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/612328/difference-between-struct-and-typedef-struct-in-c name in the typedef namespace. This means it also can't be forward declared. If you want to make a forward declaration you have.. it also can't be forward declared. If you want to make a forward declaration you have to give it a name in the tag namespace...
How do I expand a tuple into variadic template function's arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687490/how-do-i-expand-a-tuple-into-variadic-template-functions-arguments args IMessage name pObj_ obj pFunc_ pFunc args_ std forward Args args ... template typename T typename... Args void..
How do I forward declare an inner class? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021793/how-do-i-forward-declare-an-inner-class declare an inner class duplicate Possible Duplicate Forward declaration of nested types classes in C I have a class like..
Why is the C++ STL is so heavily based on templates? (and not on *interfaces*) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1039853/why-is-the-c-stl-is-so-heavily-based-on-templates-and-not-on-interfaces types are supposed to follow a concept Input Iterator Forward Iterator etc... where the actual details of the concept are.. of OOP. For example you can tell the function void MyFunc ForwardIterator ... I Update As it was unclear in the original question.. ... I Update As it was unclear in the original question ForwardIterator is ok to be templated itself to allow any ForwardIterator..
C++ iterate into nested struct field with boost fusion adapt_struct http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12084781/c-iterate-into-nested-struct-field-with-boost-fusion-adapt-struct at.hpp #include boost fusion include at.hpp namespace json Forward template typename T struct serializer namespace detail namespace..
Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14909997/why-arent-my-include-guards-preventing-recursive-inclusion-and-multiple-symbol aware of its existence b.h #ifndef B_H #define B_H Forward declaration of A no need to #include a.h struct A struct B A..
What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181693/what-are-the-complexity-guarantees-of-the-standard-containers Page I have come up with this Container Types Container Forward Container Reverse Container Random Access Container Sequence.. Standard Containers std vector Sequence Back Sequence Forward Reverse Random Container std deque Sequence Front Back Sequence.. Random Container std deque Sequence Front Back Sequence Forward Reverse Random Container std list Sequence Front Back Seuqence..
What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/373142/what-techniques-can-be-used-to-speed-up-c-compilation-times reduces the amount of recompilation that needs to be done. Forward Declarations Wherever possible use forward declarations . If..
C++ - Forward declaration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4757565/c-forward-declaration Forward declaration At http www.learncpp.com cpp tutorial 19 header..
Forward declaring an enum in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/71416/forward-declaring-an-enum-in-c declaring an enum in c I'm trying to do something like the..
Exporting classes containing std:: objects (vector, map, etc) from a dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/767579/exporting-classes-containing-std-objects-vector-map-etc-from-a-dll ctors . Otherwise the members must export their methods. Forward declaring them with DLL_EXPORT does not export the methods of..
Forward declaration of a typedef in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/804894/forward-declaration-of-a-typedef-in-c declaration of a typedef in C Why won't the compiler let me..
Is there any real risk to deriving from the C++ STL containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/922248/is-there-any-real-risk-to-deriving-from-the-c-stl-containers because X Rates and X Charges are distinct types Forward declaration is trivial Debugger probably tells you whether the..
Forward declaration of nested types/classes in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/951234/forward-declaration-of-nested-types-classes-in-c declaration of nested types classes in C I recently got stuck..