c++ Programming Glossary: formed
C and C++ : Partial initialization of automatic structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10828294/c-and-c-partial-initialization-of-automatic-structure constructor for T is called and the initialization is ill formed if T has no accessible default constructor if T is a non union..
“C subset of C++” -> Where not ? examples? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201593/c-subset-of-c-where-not-examples of things No tentative definitions in C int n int n ill formed n already defined int and int N not compatible no compatible.. compatible no compatible types in C int a 1 int ap a ill formed a does not have type int No K&R function definition style int.. int No K&R function definition style int b a int a ill formed grammar error Nested struct has class scope in C struct A struct..
What are Aggregates and PODs and how/why are they special? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4178175/what-are-aggregates-and-pods-and-how-why-are-they-special is of non POD type. In the following example f is ill formed whereas g is well formed. Note that Microsoft's compiler is.. In the following example f is ill formed whereas g is well formed. Note that Microsoft's compiler is too liberal with this rule..
Why do multiple-inherited functions with same name but different signatures not get treated as overloaded functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5368862/why-do-multiple-inherited-functions-with-same-name-but-different-signatures-not sub objects there is an ambiguity and the program is ill formed . Otherwise that set is the result of the lookup. class A public..
What does T&& (double ampersand) mean in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5481539/what-does-t-double-ampersand-mean-in-c11 an implicit conversion . i.e. float f 0f int i f is well formed because float is implicitly convertible to int the reference..
Is the safe-bool idiom obsolete in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6242768/is-the-safe-bool-idiom-obsolete-in-c11 to a type T if and only if the declaration T t e is well formed for some invented temporary variable t §8.5 . Certain language.. is said to be contextually converted to bool and is well formed if and only if the declaration bool t e is well formed for some.. formed if and only if the declaration bool t e is well formed for some invented temporary variable t §8.5 . The highlighted..
How does the compilation, linking process work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6264249/how-does-the-compilation-linking-process-work #error directives. Compilation The compilation step is performed on each output of the preprocessor. It involves parsing the.. produce the object file as long as the source code is well formed. Compilers usually let you stop compilation at this point. This..
What breaking changes are introduced in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6399615/what-breaking-changes-are-introduced-in-c11 deleted when the implicit definition would have been ill formed. A valid C 2003 program that uses one of these special member.. an expresion that is not potentially evaluated becomes ill formed. Example by me struct A private A struct B A int main sizeof.. true . A valid C 2003 declaration containing export is ill formed in C 0x. A valid C 2003 expression containing followed immediately..