

c++ Programming Glossary: formatted

getline while reading a file vs reading whole file and then splitting based on newline character


read a whole block of data depending on how the disk is formatted typically 4 8k at a time and do some of the buffering for you...

What's the real reason to not use the EOF bit as our stream extraction condition?


of what the code is doing is also wrong. The definition of formatted input functions which operator std string is defines extraction.. perfectly because just before the extraction starts the formatted input function checks if any of the bad fail or EOF bits are..

Which iomanip manipulators are 'sticky'?


to behave differently is because there are requirements on formatted output operations to explicitly .width 0 the output stream...

Are multiple conditional operators in this situation a good idea?


used this type of construction many times. As long as it's formatted nicely i.e. not all on one line making it unreadable I don't..

Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed]


pointed out that iostreams are more commonly used for formatted output. However they are also the only modern API provided by.. tests on the internal buffering applies to the typical formatted I O if iostreams can't keep the disk controller supplied with..

Constructing a vector with istream_iterators


for raw input. The std istream_iterator is for formatted input. As for the end of the file use the stream iterator's..

How to validate input using scanf


an unknown position. That's because scanf stands for scan formatted and there is little more unformatted than user input. I would.. scanf stands for scan formatted and there is little more unformatted than user input. I would suggest using fgets to get a line in..

Creating HBITMAP from memory buffer


some blob data out of a database which can represent png formatted or raw binary data for various bitmaps and icons. This is being..

How do the stream manipulators work?


charT traits Effects None. Does not behave as a formatted output function as described in . Returns pf this..

Printing double without losing precision


exact. No rounding occurs in writing or reading a value formatted in this way. Beyond the accuracy benefits this means that reading..

C++ Read Lines from File


USB device containing the file or that the file is wrongly formatted. All these cases would create an infinity loop here. Never only..

What makes more sense - char* string or char *string? [duplicate]


character only. For this reason the declaration is usually formatted like char string1 string2 which makes it slightly clearer that..

Is cout synchronized/thread-safe?


to a synchronized § standard iostream object ™s formatted and unformatted input § and output § functions.. § standard iostream object ™s formatted and unformatted input § and output § functions or a standard..

C++: how to get fprintf results as a std::string w/o sprintf


call it A that currently uses fprintf to print its heavily formatted data structures to a file pointer. In its print function it.. sprintf printf replacement in 4 or 5 applications writing formatted strings to files or custom output to logfiles and never had..

c++: Format number with commas?


take an integer and return a std string of that integer formatted with commas. Example declaration std string FormatWithCommas..

How do I allocate a std::string on the stack using glibc's string implementation?


For example if the string is going to store a decimal formatted 32 bit integer you know that you do not need more than 11 characters..

Call function with parameters extracted from string


looking at the following problem I get strings that are formatted like this functionname_parameter1_parameter2_parameter3 otherfunctionname_parameter1_parameter2..

Why does string extraction from a stream set the eof bit?


are Inserters and extractors string.io Formatted input functions istream.formatted Class basic_istream..

Formatted file reading with C++


file reading with C I am trying to read all integers from a..

Getting Garbage Values while reading struct data from a binary file


struct inputstream garbage share improve this question Formatted input requires delimiters so it knows when to stop reading for..

Formatted and unformatted input and output and streams


and unformatted input and output and streams I had been reading.. I had been reading a few articles on some sites about Formatted and Unformatted I O however i have my mind more messed up now... of streams in C and C . Also i would like to know about Formatted and Unformatted I O. c c share improve this question Formatted..