c++ Programming Glossary: bufferedreader
Is there any way to define a constant value to Java at compile time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/101267/is-there-any-way-to-define-a-constant-value-to-java-at-compile-time to explain the point String getBuildDateTime return new BufferedReader getClass .getResourceAsStream DateTime.dat .readLine To my mind..
Getting started with client-server networking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4046404/getting-started-with-client-server-networking to flush it because of the auto flush flag we turned on. A BufferedReader for text reading is the good best option InputStream in yourSocketHere.getInputStream.. best option InputStream in yourSocketHere.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader in String line br.readLine.. in yourSocketHere.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader in String line br.readLine System.out.println..
C++ ifstream.getline() significantly slower than Java's BufferedReader.readLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6820765/c-ifstream-getline-significantly-slower-than-javas-bufferedreader-readline ifstream.getline significantly slower than Java's BufferedReader.readLine I'm in the process of rewriting one of my Android.. a data structure. When I did this operation using Java's BufferedReader.readLine reading the file from the SD card takes ~2.5 seconds... takes ~2.5 seconds. Here's the code I used for this try BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader sdcard testfile.txt String..