c++ Programming Glossary: buffer_size
Copy a file in an sane, safe and efficient way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10195343/copy-a-file-in-an-sane-safe-and-efficient-way or 4096 higher values reduce number of system calls size_t BUFFER_SIZE 4096 char buf BUFSIZ size_t size FILE source fopen from.ogv.. or 4096 higher values reduce number of system calls size_t BUFFER_SIZE 4096 char buf BUFSIZ size_t size int source open from.ogv O_RDONLY..
Does C++ ofstream file writing use a buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10449772/does-c-ofstream-file-writing-use-a-buffer buffer the program took less time to run. For instance at BUFFER_SIZE 1 the program took ~88.0463 seconds whereas at BUFFER_SIZE 1024.. BUFFER_SIZE 1 the program took ~88.0463 seconds whereas at BUFFER_SIZE 1024 the program only took ~1.7773 seconds. The best time I.. took ~1.7773 seconds. The best time I recorded was when BUFFER_SIZE 131072. As the BUFFER_SIZE increased higher than that I noticed..
Fast textfile reading in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17925051/fast-textfile-reading-in-c static uintmax_t wc char const fname static const auto BUFFER_SIZE 16 1024 int fd open fname O_RDONLY if fd 1 handle_error open.. posix_fadvise fd 0 0 1 FDADVICE_SEQUENTIAL char buf BUFFER_SIZE 1 uintmax_t lines 0 while size_t bytes_read read fd buf BUFFER_SIZE.. 1 uintmax_t lines 0 while size_t bytes_read read fd buf BUFFER_SIZE if bytes_read size_t 1 handle_error read failed if bytes_read..
What is the correct way of reading from a TCP socket in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/666601/what-is-the-correct-way-of-reading-from-a-tcp-socket-in-c-c time eventually end string will be received. bzero buffer BUFFER_SIZE int readResult read socketFileDescriptor buffer BUFFER_SIZE.. int readResult read socketFileDescriptor buffer BUFFER_SIZE if readResult 0 THROW_VIMRID_EX Could not read from socket... endl It's a little bit of C and C as you can tell. The BUFFER_SIZE is 256 should I just increase the size If so what to Does it..
How can I detect only deleted, changed, and created files on a volume? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7421440/how-can-i-detect-only-deleted-changed-and-created-files-on-a-volume directories. #include Windows.h #include stdio.h #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 1024 HANDLE drive USN maxusn void show_record USN_RECORD.. n filenameend filename filename buffer VirtualAlloc NULL BUFFER_SIZE MEM_RESERVE MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE if buffer NULL printf.. mft_enum_data sizeof mft_enum_data buffer BUFFER_SIZE bytecount NULL printf FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA show_record u n GetLastError..
CreateProcess and CreatePipe to execute a process and return output as a string in VC++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8547999/createprocess-and-createpipe-to-execute-a-process-and-return-output-as-a-string to the direction in which it should be done #define BUFFER_SIZE 100 string csoutput for char buf BUFFER_SIZE 1 DWORD redword.. done #define BUFFER_SIZE 100 string csoutput for char buf BUFFER_SIZE 1 DWORD redword if ReadFile rPipe buf BUFFER_SIZE redword 0.. char buf BUFFER_SIZE 1 DWORD redword if ReadFile rPipe buf BUFFER_SIZE redword 0 DWORD error GetLastError throw new Exception Error..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9371238/why-is-reading-lines-from-stdin-much-slower-in-c-than-python the relevant snippet that replaces the python for loop BUFFER_SIZE 16384 count sum chunk.count ' n' for chunk in iter partial sys.stdin.read.. chunk.count ' n' for chunk in iter partial sys.stdin.read BUFFER_SIZE '' The performance of this version is quite fast though still..