c++ Programming Glossary: bruce
Floating point comparison revisited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13940316/floating-point-comparison-revisited but I believe this is a new take. Yes I have read Bruce Dawson's articles and What Every Computer Scientist Should Know..
Why int& a = <value> is not allowed in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19375634/why-int-a-value-is-not-allowed-in-c that int a 5 gives compile time error. In Thinking in C Bruce Eckel author says that compiler must first allocate the storage..
How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2443135/how-do-i-find-where-an-exception-was-thrown-in-c There is a brief discussion on uncaught exceptions in Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C 2nd Ed that may be helpful as well. Since..
codingbat-like site for C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3479731/codingbat-like-site-for-c which at 1000 pages covers the same ground in detail or Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C which I don't know or Bjarne Stroustrup's..
What is the main difference in object creation between Java and C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3820178/what-is-the-main-difference-in-object-creation-between-java-and-c haven ™t been initialized yet a sure recipe for disaster. Bruce Eckel http www.codeguru.com java tij tij0082.shtml In C one..
Why is including “using namespace” into a header file a bad idea in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872373/why-is-including-using-namespace-into-a-header-file-a-bad-idea-in-c into a header file a bad idea in C While reading from Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C about namespaces I encountered the following..
How much footprint does C++ exception handling add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/691168/how-much-footprint-does-c-exception-handling-add storage mentioned earlier is known as the shadow stack. Bruce Eckel Thinking in C Volume 2 The size complexity overhead isn't..
What is the best approach for a Java developer to learn C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/789659/what-is-the-best-approach-for-a-java-developer-to-learn-c should get Stroustrup . I think well of Thinking in C by Bruce Eckels. I've used The C FAQ Book by Cline Lomow and Girou I..