c++ Programming Glossary: bounty
What is a good random number generator for a game? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1046714/what-is-a-good-random-number-generator-for-a-game but I'd still like more input. Therefore I'm setting up a bounty. Edit 4 Just a note I intend to accept an answer just before..
Best bignum library to solve Project Euler problems in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047203/best-bignum-library-to-solve-project-euler-problems-in-c compile gmp using VC 2008 Please explain to me and get the bounty EITD It seems that I was not using the right terms So here is..
Efficient unsigned-to-signed cast avoiding implementation-defined behavior http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13150449/efficient-unsigned-to-signed-cast-avoiding-implementation-defined-behavior but for complicated reasons. I am likely to award the bounty to this solution but I want to capture all the gory details..
Floating point comparison revisited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13940316/floating-point-comparison-revisited code without breaking it I intend to place a non trivial bounty on this question. c floating point language lawyer ieee 754..
Example code of libssh2 being used for port forwarding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580750/example-code-of-libssh2-being-used-for-port-forwarding libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex I'm willing to put up a bounty if need be to get a couple of working examples of this. c ssh..
Function checking if an integer type can fit a value of possibly different (integer) type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17224256/function-checking-if-an-integer-type-can-fit-a-value-of-possibly-different-inte or here . Check the assembly generated here . See also bounty description below This question was inspired by this post c..
Why is partial specialziation of a nested class template allowed, while complete isn't? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2537716/why-is-partial-specialziation-of-a-nested-class-template-allowed-while-complete dared to answer so I am putting it up here again with a bounty. Note I need this feature for recursive templates of the inner..
Thread-safe initialization of function-local static const objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2955921/thread-safe-initialization-of-function-local-static-const-objects to my actual questions see 1. and 2. above I'll start a bounty on this. Again I am not interested in what I could do instead..
Create linux make/build file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3576292/create-linux-make-build-file wall o3 c LDFLAGS 03 mfp rounding mode n I am offering a bounty because I am still very lost. In case anyone is feeling adventurous..
Convert bitmap to PNG in-memory in C++ (win32) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366768/convert-bitmap-to-png-in-memory-in-c-win32 whether I can work around it Update Bounty I'm starting a bounty I really want this to work . I implemented the GDI solution.. but as I said it's limited to images with quad width. The bounty will go to anyone who can solve this width issue without changing..
How do I start a CUDA app in Visual Studio 2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3778799/how-do-i-start-a-cuda-app-in-visual-studio-2010 ships with the CUDA 3.2 RC Thanks in advance I'd offer a bounty but I only have 65 points total. c visual studio 2010 cuda..
Getting started with client-server networking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4046404/getting-started-with-client-server-networking interacting with each other Edit 2 I've put up a 50 rep bounty. Some great answers have been put up so far I'm looking for..
Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4394606/beyond-stack-sampling-c-profilers that I don't have enough rep to reward each of you with a bounty. I still think this is an important question to get a better.. for the next three weeks I'll be putting up the biggest bounty I can afford and awarding it to the answer with the nicest tool..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions on a user's computer EDIT I'm providing a 500 reputation bounty on this. I'm serious about learning how to build an Internet..
Exceptions and error codes: mixing them the right way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5805410/exceptions-and-error-codes-mixing-them-the-right-way perspectives so I decided to add a 100 reputation bounty to the question. c exception error handling share improve..
What is a good Linux IDE for code completion? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/780837/what-is-a-good-linux-ide-for-code-completion completion. Bounty Today is 21 May 09 I've just added a bounty as I'm still not convinced I've got the answer I'm looking for...
Does there exist a static_warning? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8936063/does-there-exist-a-static-warning GCC and MSVC and how I'd happily give out a small reward bounty for any particularly clever solution. As a bit of explanation..