c++ Programming Glossary: br
Example of polymorphism working with data structure in C++ based on php example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13215977/example-of-polymorphism-working-with-data-structure-in-c-based-on-php-example as animal print animal name . says . animal speak . ' br ' php c polymorphism share improve this question Well you..
dynamic_cast in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2253168/dynamic-cast-in-c C c dynamic_cast C ap NULL. A ar dynamic_cast A ap Ok. B br dynamic_cast B ap Ok. C cr dynamic_cast C ap std bad_cast the..
How to check if a .NET DLL is registered? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3038746/how-to-check-if-a-net-dll-is-registered written in C COM others are written in C# with its libraries. I would like to make some starttest tool which would test.. to make some starttest tool which would test if all C# C libraries are correctly registered. How can I do that How can I ask.. How can I do that How can I ask .NET if some C# or C COM library is regitered br c# c .net dll dllregistration share improve..
Getting started with client-server networking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4046404/getting-started-with-client-server-networking in yourSocketHere.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader in String line br.readLine.. br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader in String line br.readLine System.out.println line Prints Hello Other side of.. InputStream in socket.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader in The other side says..
int vs const int& http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4705593/int-vs-const-int place where this anti pattern is applied is the standard library itself where std vector T push_back accepts as parameter.. const P2d p x p.x y p.y return this struct Rect P2d tl br Rect const P2d tl const P2d br tl tl bt br Rect operator const.. this struct Rect P2d tl br Rect const P2d tl const P2d br tl tl bt br Rect operator const P2d p tl p br p return this..
C++ - enum vs. const vs. #define http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4767667/c-enum-vs-const-vs-define error prog.cpp 19 error no match for ˜operator in ˜eWidth s br prog.cpp 20 error no match for ˜operator in 00 s br prog.cpp.. s br prog.cpp 20 error no match for ˜operator in 00 s br prog.cpp 21 error no match for ˜operator in ˜Width s p In the..
C++ ifstream.getline() significantly slower than Java's BufferedReader.readLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6820765/c-ifstream-getline-significantly-slower-than-javas-bufferedreader-readline Here's the code I used for this try BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new FileReader sdcard testfile.txt String.. sdcard testfile.txt String thisLine while thisLine br.readLine null Log.d TAG thisLine catch IOException e Log error..
std::make_tuple doesn't make references http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7867220/stdmake-tuple-doesnt-make-references 1 std get 1 test2 2 std cout a b std endl int ar a int br b why does this not make a tuple of int references can we force.. can we force it to notice auto test3 std make_tuple ar br std get 0 test3 1 std get 1 test3 2 std cout a b std endl Of..
gSOAP Multithreading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8150380/gsoap-multithreading in. main.cpp In function void process_request void ' br main.cpp 101 error soap_serve' undeclared first use this function.. and running under valgrind showed that the 2.8.3 gsoap library was corrupting memory which lead to a SIGSEGV. It should.. version of gsoap that Ubuntu installs using apt get is the broken 2.8.3. A manual download and build of the latest version..