c++ Programming Glossary: boot
Good IDE/editor for C++ suited to my tastes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1754020/good-ide-editor-for-c-suited-to-my-tastes Windows XP is for the short term. I currently have a dual boot and know how to use linux including basic command line scripts..
Static linking vs dynamic linking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1993390/static-linking-vs-dynamic-linking code will run in very limited environments early in the boot process or in rescue mode . Static linking can make binaries..
Looking for 16-bit x86 compiler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227762/looking-for-16-bit-x86-compiler way not necessarily the best way. EDIT If you are writing boot code you should change Ttext 0x0 to Ttext 0x7c00 this will offset.. this will offset your memory addresses by 0x7c00 since boot code is usually loaded at 0x7c00 by the BIOS. share improve..
Microsecond resolution timestamps on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2414359/microsecond-resolution-timestamps-on-windows these can only give you an elapsed time since boot and are not necessarily accurate if they are called on different.. fix from the manufacturer. If there is none the usepmtimer boot switch is still there. If that fails as well because the system..
How to join in a WMI Query (WQL) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206846/how-to-join-in-a-wmi-query-wql in a WMI Query WQL I want to get the serial number of the boot harddisk via a WQL query. The boot partition can be retrieved.. serial number of the boot harddisk via a WQL query. The boot partition can be retrieved using the following query SELECT..
Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/692848/volume-shadow-copy-vss a system volume where you will need another OS to boot to like WinPE or DOS or something else. If your not worried.. one during your backup Do you know how windows actually boots and what files you need to backup and restore and patch to.. and restore and patch to be able to have a chance at booting. On a restore how best do you lay out the NTFS volume as..
The implementation of random_device in VS2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9549357/the-implementation-of-random-device-in-vs2010 The current thread ID GetCurrentThreadID . The ticks since boot GetTickCount . The current time GetLocalTime . Various high..
What changed in the driver signature requirements for Windows 8? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9640400/what-changed-in-the-driver-signature-requirements-for-windows-8 fails on the Windows 8 Consumer Preview 64 bit . If I boot with Windows Signature Enforcement turned off it installs correctly..