

c++ Programming Glossary: borrowed

C++11: std::thread pooled?


ids which implies they're created on the fly and not borrowed from a thread pool #include assert.h #include mutex #include..

Pro/con: Initializing a variable in a conditional statement


just not possible i'd still like to know why. Question borrowed from here similar topic but PHP. c coding style if statement..

C++ Constructor/Destructor inheritance


inherited in the sense that the ctor dtor of B will not be borrowed from A's interface. A class has at least one constructor and..

How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function?


2012 on the desirability of static if into C a construct borrowed from the D Programming Language I had the feeling that some..

Boost-python How to pass a c++ class instance to a python class


set C inithello object o_main object handle borrowed PyImport_AddModule __main__ object o_person_type o_main.attr..

OpenCV 2 Centroid


Boost.Python custom exception class


throw_error_already_set bp scope .attr name bp handle bp borrowed typeObj return typeObj Use the function as follows Call the..