c# Programming Glossary: stopwatch
Performance surprise with “as” and nullable types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1583050/performance-surprise-with-as-and-nullable-types values static void FindSumWithCast object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew int sum 0 foreach object o in values .. static void FindSumWithCast object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew int sum 0 foreach object o in values if o is int .. static void FindSumWithAs object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew int sum 0 foreach object o in values ..
String output: format or concat in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16432/string-output-format-or-concat-in-c slower than what I'm trying to measure. 2. I'm staring the Stopwatch before the loop and stopping it right after this way I'm not.. situations you will get 0 ms after dividing it by 1000000. Stopwatch s new Stopwatch var p new FirstName Bill LastName Gates int.. get 0 ms after dividing it by 1000000. Stopwatch s new Stopwatch var p new FirstName Bill LastName Gates int n 1000000 long fElapsedMilliseconds..
\d is less efficient than [0-9] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16621738/d-is-less-efficient-than-0-9 List string strings string regex var sw new Stopwatch int successes 0 var rex new Regex regex sw.Start foreach var..
C# DateTime.Now precision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143140/c-sharp-datetime-now-precision more precise millisecond increments. I know there is a Stopwatch class that would be better suited for doing precise time measurements.. CPU public static void Main string args var stopwatch new Stopwatch stopwatch.Start for int i 0 i 1000 i var now DateTime.Now Console.WriteLine.. now.Ticks now.Millisecond stopwatch.Stop Console.WriteLine Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds 0 stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds Console.ReadLine..
How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484919/how-do-i-split-a-string-by-strings-and-include-the-delimiters-using-net 3 funcId 0 funcId i tried various orders in my tests Stopwatch sw new Stopwatch sw.Start var func Functions funcId var src.. i tried various orders in my tests Stopwatch sw new Stopwatch sw.Start var func Functions funcId var src Sources srcID..
Is DateTime.Now the best way to measure a function's performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28637/is-datetime-now-the-best-way-to-measure-a-functions-performance timer share improve this question No it's not. Use the Stopwatch in System.Diagnostics Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew PerformWork.. No it's not. Use the Stopwatch in System.Diagnostics Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew PerformWork sw.Stop Console.WriteLine.. not. Use the Stopwatch in System.Diagnostics Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew PerformWork sw.Stop Console.WriteLine Time taken 0..
Stopwatch vs. using System.DateTime.Now for timing events [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923283/stopwatch-vs-using-system-datetime-now-for-timing-events vs. using System.DateTime.Now for timing events duplicate This.. didn't appear to be accurate. So I tried using a Stopwatch object. This turned out to be much much more accurate. Can anyone.. out to be much much more accurate. Can anyone tell me why Stopwatch would be more accurate than calculating the difference between..
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496096/casting-vs-using-the-as-keyword-in-the-clr values static void FindLengthWithIsAndCast object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew int len 0 foreach object o in values .. void FindLengthWithIsAndCast object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew int len 0 foreach object o in values if o is string.. static void FindLengthWithIsAndAs object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew int len 0 foreach object o in values ..
Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564366/convert-generic-list-enumerable-to-datatable GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers GC.WaitForFullGCComplete Stopwatch watch Stopwatch.StartNew for int i 0 i 500 i data.ToDataTable.. GC.WaitForFullGCComplete Stopwatch watch Stopwatch.StartNew for int i 0 i 500 i data.ToDataTable watch.Stop Console.WriteLine..
C# DateTime.Now precision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143140/c-sharp-datetime-now-precision denominator CPU public static void Main string args var stopwatch new Stopwatch stopwatch.Start for int i 0 i 1000 i var now.. static void Main string args var stopwatch new Stopwatch stopwatch.Start for int i 0 i 1000 i var now DateTime.Now Console.WriteLine.. Ticks 0 tMilliseconds 1 now.Ticks now.Millisecond stopwatch.Stop Console.WriteLine Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds 0 stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds..
Is the conditional operator slow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2259741/is-the-conditional-operator-slow false and with a select set of input keys Run method var stopwatch Stopwatch.StartNew Run method stopwatch.Stop var measure stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.. Run method var stopwatch Stopwatch.StartNew Run method stopwatch.Stop var measure stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds iterations The.. Stopwatch.StartNew Run method stopwatch.Stop var measure stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds iterations The Run method looks like this..
Is DateTime.Now the best way to measure a function's performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28637/is-datetime-now-the-best-way-to-measure-a-functions-performance precision for a great summary. Interesting trivia The stopwatch falls back on DateTime.UtcNow if your hardware doesn't support..
Stopwatch vs. using System.DateTime.Now for timing events [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923283/stopwatch-vs-using-system-datetime-now-for-timing-events about a 15 20 difference. c# performance datetime timing stopwatch share improve this question As per MSDN The Stopwatch measures..
Raise event in high resolution interval/timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4212611/raise-event-in-high-resolution-interval-timer that minimum elapse time is in miliseconds. looked at stopwatch but stopwatch doesnt raise events. Thanks. c# timer stopwatch.. elapse time is in miliseconds. looked at stopwatch but stopwatch doesnt raise events. Thanks. c# timer stopwatch share improve.. but stopwatch doesnt raise events. Thanks. c# timer stopwatch share improve this question Using a multimedia timer should..
dynamic and performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7478387/dynamic-and-performance int ITERATIONS 1000000 static void Main string args var stopwatch new Stopwatch dynamic param new Object DynamicSum stopwatch.. new Stopwatch dynamic param new Object DynamicSum stopwatch SumInt stopwatch SumInt stopwatch param Sum stopwatch DynamicSum.. dynamic param new Object DynamicSum stopwatch SumInt stopwatch SumInt stopwatch param Sum stopwatch DynamicSum stopwatch SumInt..
Are Timers and Loops in .Net accurate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11531128/are-timers-and-loops-in-net-accurate 1 Don't use DateTime.Now for performance measurements use StopWatch . 2 OUTPUT Should be same but .. Why should they You are running..
How to get timestamp of tick precision in .NET / C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1416139/how-to-get-timestamp-of-tick-precision-in-net-c with tick 100 ns precision. Any ideas Update Apparently StopWatch QueryPerformanceCounter is the way to go but it can only be.. when the application starts up and then just have StopWatch run and then just add the elapsed time from StopWatch to the.. have StopWatch run and then just add the elapsed time from StopWatch to the initial value returned from DateTime.Now . At least that..
What's the best way to benchmark programs in Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145103/whats-the-best-way-to-benchmark-programs-in-windows in a similar fashion if you like. As already been stated StopWatch is probably the easiest way to do this and MeasureIt uses StopWatch.. is probably the easiest way to do this and MeasureIt uses StopWatch underneath for its timings but it also does some other things..
.NET: What are attributes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20346/net-what-are-attributes a.GetType is NoTimingAttribute time false break if time StopWatch stopWatch new StopWatch stopWatch.Start targetMethod.Invoke.. time false break if time StopWatch stopWatch new StopWatch stopWatch.Start targetMethod.Invoke target args stopWatch.Stop..
C# DateTime.Now precision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143140/c-sharp-datetime-now-precision the purpose of DateTime as you note that's the purpose of StopWatch. The purpose of DateTime is to represent a date and time for..
Wrapping StopWatch timing with a delegate or lambda? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232848/wrapping-stopwatch-timing-with-a-delegate-or-lambda StopWatch timing with a delegate or lambda I'm writing code like this..
Stopwatch vs. using System.DateTime.Now for timing events [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923283/stopwatch-vs-using-system-datetime-now-for-timing-events
When is optimization premature? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4832642/when-is-optimization-premature up. For example if something is bugging you about whether StopWatch is faster or Environment.TickCount it's premature optimization..
Memory Cache .Net 4.0 performance test : astonishing result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11729023/memory-cache-net-4-0-performance-test-astonishing-result cont 0 cont interactions index 0 test readings Stopwatch stopWatch new Stopwatch stopWatch.Start do Object ci Cache.GetItem.. index 0 test readings Stopwatch stopWatch new Stopwatch stopWatch.Start do Object ci Cache.GetItem keys index ci null index.. null index if index itens index 0 cont while cont 0 stopWatch.Stop lock locker counter string outstring String.Format..
A faster replacement to the Dictionary<TKey, TValue> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1869452/a-faster-replacement-to-the-dictionarytkey-tvalue And it should be fast . A simple code like Stopwatch stopWatch Stopwatch.StartNew Dictionary string string dictionary new Dictionary.. Title fieldVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalue Console.WriteLine stopWatch.Elapsed ... prints 00 00 00.0001274 which is alot of time for..
.NET Process Monitor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1986249/net-process-monitor startWatch.Start ManagementEventWatcher stopWatch new ManagementEventWatcher new WqlEventQuery SELECT FROM Win32_ProcessStopTrace.. new WqlEventQuery SELECT FROM Win32_ProcessStopTrace stopWatch.EventArrived new EventArrivedEventHandler stopWatch_EventArrived.. stopWatch.EventArrived new EventArrivedEventHandler stopWatch_EventArrived stopWatch.Start Console.WriteLine Press any key..
.NET: What are attributes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20346/net-what-are-attributes is NoTimingAttribute time false break if time StopWatch stopWatch new StopWatch stopWatch.Start targetMethod.Invoke target args.. false break if time StopWatch stopWatch new StopWatch stopWatch.Start targetMethod.Invoke target args stopWatch.Stop HandleTimingOutput.. StopWatch stopWatch.Start targetMethod.Invoke target args stopWatch.Stop HandleTimingOutput targetMethod stopWatch.Duration else..
Environment.TickCount vs DateTime.Now http://stackoverflow.com/questions/243351/environment-tickcount-vs-datetime-now en us library system.diagnostics.stopwatch.aspx Stopwatch stopWatch Stopwatch.StartNew Thread.Sleep 10000 stopWatch.Stop Get the.. Stopwatch stopWatch Stopwatch.StartNew Thread.Sleep 10000 stopWatch.Stop Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value. TimeSpan ts stopWatch.Elapsed..
Why is ConcurrentBag<T> so slow in .Net (4.0)? Am I doing it wrong? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4785622/why-is-concurrentbagt-so-slow-in-net-4-0-am-i-doing-it-wrong void ConcurrentBagTest int collSize 10000000 Stopwatch stopWatch new Stopwatch ConcurrentBag int bag1 new ConcurrentBag int stopWatch.Start.. new Stopwatch ConcurrentBag int bag1 new ConcurrentBag int stopWatch.Start Parallel.For 0 collSize delegate int i bag1.Add i stopWatch.Stop.. Parallel.For 0 collSize delegate int i bag1.Add i stopWatch.Stop Console.WriteLine Elapsed Time 0 stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds..
Is there a Task based replacement for System.Threading.Timer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4890915/is-there-a-task-based-replacement-for-system-threading-timer TaskCreationOptions.None Stopwatch stopWatch new Stopwatch Action wrapperAction CheckIfCancelled cancelToken.. delayInMilliseconds duration maxIterations cancelToken stopWatch synchronous wrapperAction periodicTaskCreationOptions return.. param name cancelToken The cancel token. param param name stopWatch The stop watch. param param name synchronous if set to c true..
Monitor when an exe is launched http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967646/monitor-when-an-exe-is-launched startWatch.Start ManagementEventWatcher stopWatch new ManagementEventWatcher new WqlEventQuery SELECT FROM Win32_ProcessStopTrace.. new WqlEventQuery SELECT FROM Win32_ProcessStopTrace stopWatch.EventArrived new EventArrivedEventHandler stopWatch_EventArrived.. stopWatch.EventArrived new EventArrivedEventHandler stopWatch_EventArrived stopWatch.Start static void stopWatch_EventArrived..