c# Programming Glossary: stext
How can I measure the similarity between 2 strings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1034622/how-can-i-measure-the-similarity-between-2-strings
C# winforms combobox dynamic autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11780558/c-sharp-winforms-combobox-dynamic-autocomplete list.ToList comboBox1.SelectedIndex 0 var sText comboBox1.Items 0 .ToString comboBox1.SelectionStart txt.Length.. txt.Length comboBox1.SelectionLength sText.Length txt.Length comboBox1.DroppedDown true return else..
SpeechSynthesizer - How do I play/save the wav file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1719780/speechsynthesizer-how-do-i-play-save-the-wav-file code snippet in an ASP.NET app non Silverlight string sText Test text SpeechSynthesizer ss new SpeechSynthesizer MemoryStream.. ms new MemoryStream ss.SetOutputToWaveStream ms ss.Speak sText Need to send the ms Memory stream to the user for listening..
How to handle AccessViolationException http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3469368/how-to-handle-accessviolationexception try doc.OCR MODI.MiLANGUAGES.miLANG_ENGLISH false false sText doc.Images 0 .Layout.Text catch System.AccessViolationException.. for some reason but is still able to return the OCR text. sText doc.Images 0 .Layout.Text catch System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException.. ex if no text exists the engine throws an exception. sText catch sText if sText null sText sText.Trim finally doc.Close..