c# Programming Glossary: proptype
Convert IEnumerable to DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1253725/convert-ienumerable-to-datatable as columns to the datatable foreach var prop in props Type propType prop.PropertyType Is it a nullable type Get the underlying type.. Is it a nullable type Get the underlying type if propType.IsGenericType propType.GetGenericTypeDefinition .Equals typeof.. type Get the underlying type if propType.IsGenericType propType.GetGenericTypeDefinition .Equals typeof Nullable propType new..
WinForms DataGridView - databind to an object with a list property (variable number of columns) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4716092/winforms-datagridview-databind-to-an-object-with-a-list-property-variable-num 0 want it nullable to account for jagged arrays Type propType typeof int could also figure this out from List T in the.. i max i newProps.Add new ListItemDescriptor doThisLast i propType return new PropertyDescriptorCollection newProps.ToArray..
Looking for a fast and easy way to coalesce all properties on a POCO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7422861/looking-for-a-fast-and-easy-way-to-coalesce-all-properties-on-a-poco foreach var prop in typeof T .GetProperties var propType prop.PropertyType if propType.IsValueType Nullable.GetUnderlyingType.. T .GetProperties var propType prop.PropertyType if propType.IsValueType Nullable.GetUnderlyingType propType null continue.. if propType.IsValueType Nullable.GetUnderlyingType propType null continue int instead of int etc skip il.Emit OpCodes.Ldarg_1..