c# Programming Glossary: proposed
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1042902/most-elegant-way-to-generate-prime-numbers it could be. In this thread a few good options have been proposed A nicer version of what I originally had Peter Smit jmservera..
C# Performance of nested yield in a tree http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1043050/c-sharp-performance-of-nested-yield-in-a-tree
XPATHS and Default Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11345/xpaths-and-default-namespaces question I tried something similar to what palehorse proposed and could not get it to work. Since I was getting data from..
Possible pitfalls of using this (extension method based) shorthand http://stackoverflow.com/questions/123088/possible-pitfalls-of-using-this-extension-method-based-shorthand There's a now closed bug on Microsoft Connect that proposed . as a new C# operator that would perform this null propagation...
How to create and connect custom user buttons/controls with lines using windows forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15819318/how-to-create-and-connect-custom-user-buttons-controls-with-lines-using-windows some custom buttons or user controls as shown in the proposed GUI. The functionality should be as follows The graphs or configurations..
WPF DataGrid: DataGridComboxBox ItemsSource Binding to a Collection of Collections http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1633800/wpf-datagrid-datagridcomboxbox-itemssource-binding-to-a-collection-of-collectio Now what I want to do is something similar to what AndyG proposed DG_Operations.Columns.Add new DataGridComboBoxColumn Header..
Why cannot C# generics derive from one of the generic type parameters like they can in C++ templates? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1842636/why-cannot-c-sharp-generics-derive-from-one-of-the-generic-type-parameters-like System.Enum and so on Those are the easy obvious ones. The proposed feature opens up literally hundreds if not thousands of more..
Fancybox - ASP.NET button not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686362/fancybox-asp-net-button-not-working modal dialog EDIT OK people are reporting that some of the proposed fixes are working for them on certain versions. So be sure to..
New Cool Features of C# 4.0 [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/292265/new-cool-features-of-c-sharp-4-0 don't expect we'll get those. They certainly aren't in the proposed feature list at the moment. I'm personally actually more interested..
C# generic constraint for only integers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32664/c-sharp-generic-constraint-for-only-integers I have to admit though that I don't know how he thinks his proposed workaround will work. His proposal is to defer arithmetic operations..
Why is the 'this' keyword required to call an extension method from within the extended class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3510964/why-is-the-this-keyword-required-to-call-an-extension-method-from-within-the-e improve this question A couple points First off the proposed feature implicit this. on an extension method call is unnecessary..
Why are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3661025/why-are-c-sharp-3-0-object-initializer-constructor-parentheses-optional grammatical or semantic analysis of a program. Your proposed change does introduce a semantic analysis ambiguity class P.. analyze grammars looking for ambiguities and then fed proposed C# grammars for query comprehensions into it doing so found..
Most efficient way to randomly “sort” (Shuffle) a list of integers in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/375351/most-efficient-way-to-randomly-sort-shuffle-a-list-of-integers-in-c-sharp Fisher Yates shuffle . One problem you'll find with your proposed algorithm is that as you near the end of the shuffle your loop..
C# (.NET) Design Flaws [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/411906/c-sharp-net-design-flaws object type testing I also kinda like the switch syntax proposed in another post here I agree with another post that the System.IO..
Why aren't C# static class extension methods supported? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4909156/why-arent-c-sharp-static-class-extension-methods-supported features that don't meet our bar. In particular the proposed feature does nothing for LINQ extension methods were added to..
Why are C# 4 optional parameters defined on interface not enforced on implementing class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4922714/why-are-c-sharp-4-optional-parameters-defined-on-interface-not-enforced-on-imple new void TestMethod bool b false base.TestMethod b The proposed feature seems to add a lot of inconvenience for the programmer..
Access a Remote Directory from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5433570/access-a-remote-directory-from-c-sharp cref NetResource structure that specifies details of the proposed connection such as information about the network resource the..
How and why do I set up a C# build machine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/616149/how-and-why-do-i-set-up-a-c-sharp-build-machine a small 4 person development team on a C# project. I've proposed setting up a build machine which will do nightly builds and..
Memory barrier generators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6581848/memory-barrier-generators known for certain to cause implicit barriers Thread.Sleep proposed by myself and possibly others due to the fact that code which..