c# Programming Glossary: propertyname
Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged - does a better way exist? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1315621/implementing-inotifypropertychanged-does-a-better-way-exist protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged string propertyName PropertyChangedEventHandler handler PropertyChanged if handler.. if handler null handler this new PropertyChangedEventArgs propertyName protected bool SetField T ref T field T value string propertyName.. protected bool SetField T ref T field T value string propertyName if EqualityComparer T .Default.Equals field value return false..
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged string propertyName Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke Action ..
How do I create an expression tree to represent 'String.Contains(“term”)' in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/278684/how-do-i-create-an-expression-tree-to-represent-string-containsterm-in-c Func string bool GetContainsExpression T string propertyName string propertyValue var parameterExp Expression.Parameter.. T type var propertyExp Expression.Property parameter propertyName var containsMethodExp Expression. SomeMemberReferenceFunction.. foo static Expression Func T bool GetExpression T string propertyName string propertyValue var parameterExp Expression.Parameter typeof..
Dynamically create a class in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3862226/dynamically-create-a-class-in-c-sharp private static void CreateProperty TypeBuilder tb string propertyName Type propertyType FieldBuilder fieldBuilder tb.DefineField.. propertyType FieldBuilder fieldBuilder tb.DefineField _ propertyName propertyType FieldAttributes.Private PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder.. PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder tb.DefineProperty propertyName PropertyAttributes.HasDefault propertyType null MethodBuilder..
Binding WPF ComboBox to a Custom List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/561166/binding-wpf-combobox-to-a-custom-list PhonebookEntry private void OnPropertyChanged string propertyName if PropertyChanged null PropertyChanged this new PropertyChangedEventArgs.. null PropertyChanged this new PropertyChangedEventArgs propertyName public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged Edit..
Notify ObservableCollection when Item changes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8490533/notify-observablecollection-when-item-changes protected void RaisePropertyChangedEvent string propertyName if PropertyChanged null PropertyChangedEventArgs e new PropertyChangedEventArgs.. PropertyChangedEventArgs e new PropertyChangedEventArgs propertyName PropertyChanged this e When i run the program i have the 3..
Deserializing JSON data to C# using JSON.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2546138/deserializing-json-data-to-c-sharp-using-json-net My class is defined as public class MyAccount JsonProperty PropertyName username public string UserID get set JsonProperty PropertyName.. username public string UserID get set JsonProperty PropertyName givenname public string GivenName get set JsonProperty PropertyName.. givenname public string GivenName get set JsonProperty PropertyName sn public string Surname get set JsonProperty PropertyName passwordexpired..
Get the property, as a string, from an Expression<Func<TModel,TProperty>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789504/get-the-property-as-a-string-from-an-expressionfunctmodel-tproperty info.GetInt32 Priority We just persisted this by the PropertyName. So let's rebuild the Lambda Expression from that. Property.. TryFindMemberExpression this approach keeps the GetFullPropertyName method fairly clean and allows you to add additional checks.. to prevent horizontal overflow static string GetFullPropertyName T TProperty Expression Func T TProperty exp MemberExpression..
Deserializing JSON when sometimes array and sometimes object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5224697/deserializing-json-when-sometimes-array-and-sometimes-object Unexpected token while deserializing object PropertyName The value of reader.Value is permalink . I can clearly see in.. see in the switch that there's no case for JsonToken.PropertyName. Is there something I need to do differently in my converter..
Automatically INotifyPropertyChanged http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527602/automatically-inotifypropertychanged memberExpression.Member as PropertyInfo Notify handler if PropertyName is the one we were interested in if e.PropertyName.Equals propertyInfo.Name.. if PropertyName is the one we were interested in if e.PropertyName.Equals propertyInfo.Name Handler ObjectThatNotifies Used..