c# Programming Glossary: orelse
Can a PictureBox show animated GIF in Windows Application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13485477/can-a-picturebox-show-animated-gif-in-windows-application animation reaches a boundary... If currentFrame frameCount OrElse currentFrame 1 Then If reverse Then step 1 '...reverse the..
ComboBox AutoComplete on SubString http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3694720/combobox-autocomplete-on-substring TempLogStart Dim Out As Boolean If Me.myForm Is Nothing OrElse myForm.ActiveControl IsNot Me.myLbox Then Out True End If If.. Then Out True End If If Me.myParentForm Is Nothing OrElse Me.myParentForm.ActiveControl IsNot Me Then Out True End If..
Translation of yield into VB.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3811589/translation-of-yield-into-vb-net 0 Dim current As Match Nothing While current Is Nothing OrElse current.Success If current Is Nothing Then current _regex.Match..
Combining two expressions (Expression<Func<T, bool>>) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457316/combining-two-expressions-expressionfunct-bool this question Well you can use Expression.AndAlso OrElse etc to combine logical expressions but the problem is the parameters.. provider you might be able to combine them with Invoke OrElse is very similar... static Expression Func T bool AndAlso T this..
C#, Linq2Sql: Is it possible to concatenate two queryables into one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569671/c-linq2sql-is-it-possible-to-concatenate-two-queryables-into-one range.B typeof TValue body body null filter Expression.OrElse body filter return body null source source.Where Expression.Lambda.. range.B typeof TValue body body null filter Expression.OrElse body filter return body null ΓΈ true Expression.Lambda Func.. expression combination. I'd generally favor the latter via OrElse which with LINQ to SQL at least you can do with 2 expressions..