c# Programming Glossary: opted
How should you diagnose the error SEHException - External component has thrown an exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1313853/how-should-you-diagnose-the-error-sehexception-external-component-has-thrown-a program but has an option to ignore and continue. If they opted to ignore the error then the program continued working but the..
calculate object delta http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1344066/calculate-object-delta Instead of sending the whole changed model we opted to serialize operations on the data. For example an operation..
How performant is StackFrame? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1348643/how-performant-is-stackframe return StackFrame stackFrame new StackFrame 1 Log... We opted for Option B. It offers significant performance improvements..
Multiple/single instance of Linq to SQL DataContext http://stackoverflow.com/questions/226127/multiple-single-instance-of-linq-to-sql-datacontext update delete pull it off the data object and use it . I opted for a DataContext per data object. It may not be the fanciest..
Performance differences between debug and release builds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4043821/performance-differences-between-debug-and-release-builds Release configurations in my program and I have usually opted to go for the Debug configuration even when the programs are..
Where to store Application Data in Windows 7 and Vista http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5116911/where-to-store-application-data-in-windows-7-and-vista upgrade it so that it stored the data in a new folder. I opted for the ApplicationData folder as I thought I would be allowed..
What kind of technologies are available for sending text messages? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53019/what-kind-of-technologies-are-available-for-sending-text-messages cases you have to make sure that recipients have properly opted in to your service. This is only a big deal if your texts are..
Generic type conversion FROM string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8625/generic-type-conversion-from-string during inspection of the properties later. Jon I opted for string since it's the lowest common denominator everything..