c# Programming Glossary: optimizing
Should I always return IEnumerable<T> instead of IList<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072614/should-i-always-return-ienumerablet-instead-of-ilistt
Is shifting bits faster than multiplying and dividing in Java? .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1168451/is-shifting-bits-faster-than-multiplying-and-dividing-in-java-net or divide by a power of two to shift operations. When optimizing many compilers can optimize a multiply or divide with a compile..
Is a program F# any more efficient (execution-wise) than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142985/is-a-program-f-any-more-efficient-execution-wise-than-c Conversely the C# compiler may still be better at optimizing computations over value types e.g. complex arithmetic and has..
Deciding on when to use XmlDocument vs XmlReader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1505075/deciding-on-when-to-use-xmldocument-vs-xmlreader on when to use XmlDocument vs XmlReader I'm optimizing a custom object XML serialization utility and it's all done..
Random playlist algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1816534/random-playlist-algorithm any additional memory . I believe you may be prematurely optimizing your solution as the memory implications should be negligible..
Is the C# compiler smart enough to optimize this code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2162541/is-the-c-sharp-compiler-smart-enough-to-optimize-this-code for other operations that need optimization perhaps optimizing those operations instead would be a net win. and so on. It get.. time memory working set startup time and so on and optimizing for those things. You cannot do that without 1 talking to your..
Tips for optimizing C#/.NET programs [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2473666/tips-for-optimizing-c-net-programs for optimizing C# .NET programs closed It seems like optimization is a lost..
IEnumerable vs List - What to Use? How do they work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3628425/ienumerable-vs-list-what-to-use-how-do-they-work the compiler a chance to defer work until later possibly optimizing along the way. If you use ToList you force the compiler to reify..
C# Decimal datatype performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366852/c-sharp-decimal-datatype-performance past the point of sanity more than one month and a half optimizing believe it or not it now takes approx. 1 5000 of what it took..
MVC ActionLink add all (optional) paramters from current url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3779932/mvc-actionlink-add-all-optional-paramters-from-current-url
When is optimization premature? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4832642/when-is-optimization-premature too much ahead when there is nothing and thus prematurely optimizing. Over thinking insignificant details when there is no slowdowns..
How can I get the values of the parameters of a calling method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492600/how-can-i-get-the-values-of-the-parameters-of-a-calling-method signature would suggest it is perfectly possible for an optimizing JIT compiler to spot that you are only using a sub field of..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c want to it's usually pretty easy to trigger it. Second optimizing code like most other optimization problems is largely an NP..
A reproducable example of volatile usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6164466/a-reproducable-example-of-volatile-usage a variable volatile prevents the jitter optimizer from optimizing the code to store the variable in a cpu register. Which is why..
The call stack does not say “where you came from”, but “where you are going next”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6595473/the-call-stack-does-not-say-where-you-came-from-but-where-you-are-going-next so makes the program faster or smaller or whatever it is optimizing for without changing its meaning. The purpose of the stack is..
Reference equality performance difference? ((object)obj1 == (object)obj2) vs. object.ReferenceEquals( obj1, obj2 ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735554/reference-equality-performance-difference-objectobj1-objectobj2-vs-ob believe this is wrong if the JIT behaves anything like an optimizing C compiler it will consider the method after inlining the call..
What is it that makes Enum.HasFlag so slow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7368652/what-is-it-that-makes-enum-hasflag-so-slow Random seed st2.Test Console.WriteLine Random to prevent optimizing out things 0 num Console.WriteLine HasFlag 0 ms 1 ms 2 ms st1.Min..
Optimizing Repository?™s SubmitChanges Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11262785/optimizing-repositorys-submitchanges-method Repository ™s SubmitChanges Method I have following repository...
Persist Data by Programming Against Interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11291202/persist-data-by-programming-against-interface DomainInterfaces.IBankAccount .. READING Optimizing Repository ™s SubmitChanges Method How do you abstract out your..
Free Optimization Library in C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1211201/free-optimization-library-in-c-sharp Multi Variable Optimizer One Variable Function Optimizer Optimizing Bracket Finder Optimizing Point Optimizing Point Factory Optimizing.. One Variable Function Optimizer Optimizing Bracket Finder Optimizing Point Optimizing Point Factory Optimizing Vector Simplex Optimizer.. Optimizer Optimizing Bracket Finder Optimizing Point Optimizing Point Factory Optimizing Vector Simplex Optimizer Vector Chromosome..
What's the fastest way to bulk insert a lot of data in SQL Server (C# client) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24200/whats-the-fastest-way-to-bulk-insert-a-lot-of-data-in-sql-server-c-client reading Prerequisites for Minimal Logging in Bulk Import Optimizing Bulk Import Performance Out of curiosity why is your index set..
How do you show the Windows Explorer context menu from a C# application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451287/how-do-you-show-the-windows-explorer-context-menu-from-a-c-sharp-application messages Displaying menu help Invoking the default verb Optimizing for the default command Adding custom commands Composite extensions..
Optimizing Lookups: Dictionary key lookups vs. Array index lookups http://stackoverflow.com/questions/908050/optimizing-lookups-dictionary-key-lookups-vs-array-index-lookups Lookups Dictionary key lookups vs. Array index lookups I'm..