c# Programming Glossary: mvc3
EditorFor() and html properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1625327/editorfor-and-html-properties mvc asp.net mvc 2 share improve this question In MVC3 you can set width as follows @Html.TextBoxFor c c.PropertyName..
HTML.ActionLink method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/200476/html-actionlink-method object values object htmlAttributes ASP.NET MVC3 arguments are in the same order as MVC2 however the id value..
ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor performance [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3828961/asp-net-mvc-3-razor-performance Guthrie answered in his blog We haven't fully optimized MVC3 yet there is usually a lot of cache tuning we do . We expect.. Your Aspx numbers look good in the sense that we expect MVC3 Aspx to be on par with MVC2 Aspx a bit slower in such a Hello..
MVC3 + Ninject - How to? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4358395/mvc3-ninject-how-to Ninject How to I've just started playing with IoC containers.. of sweat and tears I still cant figure out how to setup my MVC3 application with Ninject. So far I have Global.asax.cs public.. server http teamcity.codebetter.com UPDATE The Ninject.MVC3 package continues to be updated and works OOTB against MVC4..
C# mvc 3 using selectlist with selected value in view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4579598/c-sharp-mvc-3-using-selectlist-with-selected-value-in-view selectlist with selected value in view I'm working on a MVC3 web application. I want a list of categories shown when editing..
MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656758/mvc3-razor-dropdownlistfor-enums Razor DropDownListFor Enums Trying to get my project updated.. DropDownListFor Enums Trying to get my project updated to MVC3 something I just can't find I have a simple datatype of ENUMS..
Easiest way to create a cascade dropdown in ASP.NET MVC 3 with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5497524/easiest-way-to-create-a-cascade-dropdown-in-asp-net-mvc-3-with-c-sharp C# I want to create two dropdown lists in a cascade using MVC3 preferably Razor with C#. I would like to have one dropdown.. past versions of MVC and some commands are deprecated in MVC3. Thank you very much for helping. c# json jquery ajax asp.net..
asp.net MVC3 razor: display actionlink based on user role http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6981853/asp-net-mvc3-razor-display-actionlink-based-on-user-role MVC3 razor display actionlink based on user role Im new to MVC...
MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7048726/mvc3-unobtrusive-validation-not-working-after-ajax-call Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call Ok here..
Why am I getting 'One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found.'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7115055/why-am-i-getting-one-or-more-types-required-to-compile-a-dynamic-expression-can to me in a project converted automatically from MVC2 to MVC3 all I had to do was add a project reference to Microsoft.CSharp...
Send array to MVC controller via JSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7116099/send-array-to-mvc-controller-via-json already covered in this question it is not necessary. MVC3 irrelevant c# jquery asp.net mvc json share improve this..
Injecting dependencies into ASP.NET MVC 3 action filters. What's wrong with this approach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7192543/injecting-dependencies-into-asp-net-mvc-3-action-filters-whats-wrong-with-this here's another nice approach for doing this in MVC3 using the new IFilterProvider interface http www.thecodinghumanist.com.. away from the Attribute. Furthermore Ninject's MVC3 extension has some very powerful ways to configure action filters..
Multiple types were found that match the controller named 'Home' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7842293/multiple-types-were-found-that-match-the-controller-named-home controller named 'Home' I currently have two unrelated MVC3 projects hosted online. One works fine the other doesn't work..
Why is JsonRequestBehavior needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8464677/why-is-jsonrequestbehavior-needed to expose it over HTTP GET. Update From my Wrox ASP.NET MVC3 book By default the ASP.NET MVC framework does not allow you..
Web Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9771381/web-forms-tabular-control-for-this-scenario ui share improve this question Sounds like a job for MVC3 and Razor Views to me. I've done something similar with a partial..