c# Programming Glossary: myconfiguration
Refactoring Singleton Overuse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2925459/refactoring-singleton-overuse so it can be passed around manipulated etc. public class MyConfiguration public const string DefaultConfigPath . config.xml protected.. string DefaultConfigPath . config.xml protected static MyConfiguration _current public static MyConfiguration Current get if _current.. protected static MyConfiguration _current public static MyConfiguration Current get if _current null Load DefaultConfigPath return _current..
Read XML Attribute using XmlDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/933687/read-xml-attribute-using-xmldocument looks somewhat like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 MyConfiguration xmlns http tempuri.org myOwnSchema.xsd SuperNumber 1 SuperString.. SuperNumber 1 SuperString whipcream Other stuff MyConfiguration How would I read the XML attributes SuperNumber and SuperString..