c# Programming Glossary: mutability
When to pass ref keyword in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2193064/when-to-pass-ref-keyword-in engine to know whether a given method relies on the mutability of a value type or not. This is just another reason why you..
Why .NET String is immutable? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2365272/why-net-string-is-immutable of StringBuilder class as mutable c# .net string immutability share improve this question Instances of immutable types.. This means that abc ab c . While this doesn't require immutability the fact that a reference to such a string will always equal.. equal abc throughout its lifetime which does require immutability makes uses as keys where maintaining equality to previous values..
Why are C# number types immutable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3981827/why-are-c-sharp-number-types-immutable type immutable too Or should it be a struct c# types immutability share improve this question Firstly What is the purpose.. course keeping Integer as a value type but maintaining its mutability struct Integer public int Value just for kicks public static.. t.Integer.Value would still output 10 Basically immutability of values is something that is highly intuitive . The opposite..
Why are mutable structs evil? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441309/why-are-mutable-structs-evil answer to this question . What's the actual problem with mutability and structs c# struct immutability mutable share improve.. actual problem with mutability and structs c# struct immutability mutable share improve this question Structs are value types..
Is it safe for structs to implement interfaces? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63671/is-it-safe-for-structs-to-implement-interfaces but there are concerns that come about with casting mutability and performance. See this post for more details http blogs.msdn.com..
When Should a .NET Class Override Equals()? When Should it Not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9709088/when-should-a-net-class-override-equals-when-should-it-not If it is reasonable how does one best deal with potential mutability while an object instance is participating in a HashSet or something..