c# Programming Glossary: mvc2
HTML.ActionLink method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/200476/html-actionlink-method actionName object values object htmlAttributes ASP.NET MVC2 two arguments have been switched around Html.ActionLink article.Title.. ASP.NET MVC3 arguments are in the same order as MVC2 however the id value is no longer required Html.ActionLink article.Title..
How do I serve up an Unauthorized page when a user is not in the Authorized Roles? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2322366/how-do-i-serve-up-an-unauthorized-page-when-a-user-is-not-in-the-authorized-role own IAuthorizationFilter in the following way download the MVC2 code from CodePlex and borrow the code for AuthorizeAttribute...
Is the DataTypeAttribute validation working in MVC2? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391423/is-the-datatypeattribute-validation-working-in-mvc2 the DataTypeAttribute validation working in MVC2 As far as I know the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DataTypeAttribute..
Redirect away from HTTPS with ASP.NET MVC App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2560615/redirect-away-from-https-with-asp-net-mvc-app in solution to this as mentioned there is a great one for MVC2 applications in the form of RequireHttps . Inspired by ça da..
Sharing sessions across applications using the ASP.NET Session State Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2868316/sharing-sessions-across-applications-using-the-asp-net-session-state-service a .net 2.0 web forms application the other is as .net 3.5 MVC2 application. Both apps have their session set up like this sessionState..
Populating Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist (Cascading DropDownList) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3743803/populating-dropdownlist-using-mvc2-based-on-another-dropdownlist-cascading-drop Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist Cascading DropDownList I am making.. value of the Make DropDownList How is this done in MVC2 My Idea Do I use an ajax call when my first list is selected..
ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor performance [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3828961/asp-net-mvc-3-razor-performance in the sense that we expect MVC3 Aspx to be on par with MVC2 Aspx a bit slower in such a Hello World example is expected..
How to use Ninject Conventions extension without referencing Assembly (or Types within it) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4019585/how-to-use-ninject-conventions-extension-without-referencing-assembly-or-types at this all day. The general problem I have an ASP.Net MVC2 application with the following projects MyApp.Web MyApp.Services..
Why am I getting 'One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found.'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7115055/why-am-i-getting-one-or-more-types-required-to-compile-a-dynamic-expression-can happened to me in a project converted automatically from MVC2 to MVC3 all I had to do was add a project reference to Microsoft.CSharp...
Send array to MVC controller via JSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7116099/send-array-to-mvc-controller-via-json to assign null to something it cannot. Edit i'm using MVC2 not 3 Edit2 After @Monday's answer the problem is due to how..
HTML encode decode c# MVC4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9050145/html-encode-decode-c-sharp-mvc4 encode decode c# MVC4 I am in a process of upgrading a c# MVC2 project into c# MVC4. Here is the scenario in MVC2 Input string.. a c# MVC2 project into c# MVC4. Here is the scenario in MVC2 Input string from database Model.text p Hi br hello br you there..