

c# Programming Glossary: mutex.waitone

Run one instance of program


false Application.Run new Form1 if mutex.WaitOne TimeSpan.Zero true Application.EnableVisualStyles Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault..

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?


here instead of waiting forever edited by acidzombie24 mutex.WaitOne Timeout.Infinite false hasHandle mutex.WaitOne 5000 false .. mutex.WaitOne Timeout.Infinite false hasHandle mutex.WaitOne 5000 false if hasHandle false throw new TimeoutException Timeout..

Is the C# static constructor thread safe?


System.Threading.Mutex public static Singleton Acquire mutex.WaitOne return instance Each call to Acquire requires a call to Release..

Prevent multiple instances of a given app in .NET?


Main using Mutex mutex new Mutex false Global appGuid if mutex.WaitOne 0 false MessageBox.Show Instance already running return Application.Run..

MemoryMappedFile doesn't work with 2 processes?


Process B and press ENTER to continue. Console.ReadLine mutex.WaitOne using MemoryMappedViewStream stream mmf.CreateViewStream .. testmap Mutex mutex Mutex.OpenExisting testmapmutex mutex.WaitOne using MemoryMappedViewStream stream mmf.CreateViewStream 1..