

c# Programming Glossary: multicast

Event and delegate contravariance in .NET 4.0 and C# 4.0


in so it is contravariant and so the compiler assumes the multicast delegate will work. Here's my test public class ClickEventArgs.. types. But the combination of two different types in a multicast causes the exception when the second one is added. I guess this.. lot of sense as long as we assume that the primary use of multicast delegates is in the context of events. I've personally found..

Need microsecond delay in .NET app for throttling UDP multicast transmission rate


microsecond delay in .NET app for throttling UDP multicast transmission rate I'm writing a UDP multicast client server.. UDP multicast transmission rate I'm writing a UDP multicast client server pair in C# and I need a delay on the order of.. specific. Thanks in advance guys c# .net udp delay multicast share improve this question I would use stopwatch but would..

Simple Delegate (delegate) vs. Multicast delegates


between the normal delegates that we usually create and multicast delegates. public delegate void MyMethodHandler object sender.. will call these two methods. Now where does multicast delegates come in. I have read that they can call multiple methods.. about delegates is not correct. c# .net delegates multicastdelegate share improve this question This article explains..

are there function pointers in c#?


Delegates are essentially function pointers but with extra multicast capabilities built in. So you can assign several functions to..

Checking for null before event dispatching… thread safe?


. So the code above succeeds by first copying the multicast delegate from the event to a temporary variable. Any changes..

UDP Multicast over the internet?


Multicasting would be ideal the service can send to the multicast group and it doesn't matter how many receivers have registered.. my client and service are written in C#. Thanks. c# udp multicast multicasting share improve this question In general this.. and service are written in C#. Thanks. c# udp multicast multicasting share improve this question In general this is not possible..

Send broadcast message from all network adapters


B said to the specific IP you want when you send out your multicast. foreach var i in System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces..

Difference between events and delegates and its respective applications


to a pointer in C C terms. All delegates in .Net are multicast delegates. From a semantics perspective they are generally used..

How to check the availability of a net.tcp WCF service


form of service address resolution because it utilizes UDP multicast messages to find the service rather than configuring one set..