c# Programming Glossary: modeled
ASP.NET MVC Razor pass model to layout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4154407/asp-net-mvc-razor-pass-model-to-layout razor share improve this question Seems like you have modeled your viewmodels a bit wrong if you have this problem. Personally..
Entity Framework 4 Delete Object from entity collection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4922228/entity-framework-4-delete-object-from-entity-collection improve this question The answer depends on the way you modeled your entities. If you are using common independent relation..
Writing musical notes to a wav file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4974531/writing-musical-notes-to-a-wav-file The volume of a note played on an instrument can be modeled like this __________ A D S R The volume starts at zero. Then..
How to Implement Password Resets? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/664673/how-to-implement-password-resets Edit Answers that also go into how such a table would be modeled and handled in SQL Server or any ASP.NET MVC links to an answer..
Why must we define both == and != in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6916884/why-must-we-define-both-and-in-c rigid type safety and garbage collection. C# was strongly modeled after C . You may not be surprised to learn that in C the equality..
How do I use Html.EditorFor to render radio buttons in MVC3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7098411/how-do-i-use-html-editorfor-to-render-radio-buttons-in-mvc3 x x int EditorTemplate.Models.Gender.Female So I modeled this in Visual Studio and this works as expected. Try it out...
Ways of keeping configuration code out of logic code using Dependency Injection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7288859/ways-of-keeping-configuration-code-out-of-logic-code-using-dependency-injection isn't required as configuration settings are normally best modeled as Value Objects . If you still want to read the values from..