c# Programming Glossary: modules
Can attributes be added dynamically in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/129285/can-attributes-be-added-dynamically-in-c this question Attributes are static metadata. Assemblies modules types members parameters and return values aren't first class..
Design - Where should objects be registered when using Windsor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1410719/design-where-should-objects-be-registered-when-using-windsor possible because that ensures maximum modularity and that modules are as loosely coupled as possible. In practice this means that.. etc. The container is simply the engine that composes modules into a working application. In principle you could write the.. should not need the container at all as your objects and modules should be composable and you can directly supply Test Doubles..
Which is best for data store Struct/Classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1951186/which-is-best-for-data-store-struct-classes only exposed public fields and they passed among different modules and services. As per my understanding I felt it's better to..
Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2045904/dependency-inject-di-friendly-library My current thinking is to provide a few DI registration modules for the common DI libraries e.g a StructureMap registry a Ninject..
Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2227548/creating-an-instance-using-ninject-with-additional-parameters-in-the-constructor like a nice global variable. The correct use of multiple modules and Bind.ToProvider gives you a structure to manage this. That..
What do 'statically linked' and 'dynamically linked' mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311882/what-do-statically-linked-and-dynamically-linked-mean first is compilation which turns source code into object modules. The second linking is what combines object modules together.. object modules. The second linking is what combines object modules together to form an executable. The distinction is made for..
Function profiling woes - Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525758/function-profiling-woes-visual-studio-2010-ultimate that hides functions on the stack coming from non user modules it will show a depth of 1 non user functions if called by a.. in your case Application.Run . Functions coming from modules without symbols loaded or from modules known to be from Microsoft.. coming from modules without symbols loaded or from modules known to be from Microsoft would be excluded. Your Hot Path..
Fixed point math in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605124/fixed-point-math-in-c handling division and multiplication and added logic for modules comparisons shifts etc public struct FInt public long RawValue..
Change default app.config at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6150644/change-default-app-config-at-runtime the following problem We have an application that loads modules add ons . These modules might need entries in the app.config.. We have an application that loads modules add ons . These modules might need entries in the app.config e.g. WCF configuration.. in the app.config e.g. WCF configuration . Because the modules are loaded dynamically I don't want to have these entries in..
Do you say No to C# Regions? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/755465/do-you-say-no-to-c-sharp-regions
Getting all types in a namespace via reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79693/getting-all-types-in-a-namespace-via-reflection guys pointed namespace can be scattered between different modules so you need to get a list of assemblies first. string @namespace..
Client configuration to consume WCF JSON web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835839/client-configuration-to-consume-wcf-json-web-service true system.serviceModel system.webServer modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests true system.webServer configuration..
Best approach for designing F# libraries for use from both F# and C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110174/best-approach-for-designing-f-libraries-for-use-from-both-f-and-c-sharp I take straight from F# Component Design Guidelines . Modules functions F# vs Namespaces Types functions F# Do use namespaces..
Breakpoint not hooked up when debugging in VS.Net 2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/163133/breakpoint-not-hooked-up-when-debugging-in-vs-net-2005 While debugging in Visual Studio click on Debug Windows Modules. The IDE will dock a Modules window showing all the modules.. Studio click on Debug Windows Modules. The IDE will dock a Modules window showing all the modules that have been loaded for your.. folders restart the IDE rebuild the project go through the Modules window again Once you browse to the location of your PDB file..
How-To Prevent Module Duplicates with MEF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1708018/how-to-prevent-module-duplicates-with-mef with MEF How can i prevent from MEF to load duplicates Modules in the case of the presence of 2 copies of the same Assembly.. copy of Assembly1 ImportMany public IList IModule Modules get private set public void BuildUp Modules new List IModule.. IList IModule Modules get private set public void BuildUp Modules new List IModule var catalog new DirectoryCatalog @ . Modules..
Fixing “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2155930/fixing-the-breakpoint-will-not-currently-be-hit-no-symbols-have-been-loaded-fo share improve this question Start debugging Debug Windows Modules. Right click the assembly in the list Symbol Load Information...
Memory Leaks in C# WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227909/memory-leaks-in-c-sharp-wpf out the correct path is to look for mscorwks.dll in the Modules pane. Wherever that is loaded from is the correct path for sos.dll...
How to create a .NET setup project with crystal report prerequisite? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4779425/how-to-create-a-net-setup-project-with-crystal-report-prerequisite . A folder called C Program Files x86 Common Files Merge Modules should automatically show up. There you may find a file called..
WebBrowser control to use IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5531452/webbrowser-control-to-use-ie9 . Start your program Debug Break All. Debug Windows Modules and locate ieframe.dll in the list. The version number column..
Json.NET + VerificationException Operation could destabilize the runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5968084/json-net-verificationexception-operation-could-destabilize-the-runtime
What is a module in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/645728/what-is-a-module-in-net of multi module assemblies . Assemblies contain modules. Modules contain classes. Classes contain functions. Yes you can access..
how to read from Xml File and put the list of element in listView on the form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939567/how-to-read-from-xml-file-and-put-the-list-of-element-in-listview-on-the-form working at all. modules.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 Modules Module Code 3SFE504 Code Name Algorithms and Data Structures.. LectureSlot TutorialSlot Tuesday 9 11 TutorialSlot Module Modules .cs file is using System using System.Collections.Generic using..