

c# Programming Glossary: mmm

How can I convert a string into datetime in .NET?


C# Puzzle : Reachable goto pointing to an unreachable label


only have cottage cheese. ILikeCheese Console.WriteLine MMM. Cheese is yummy. Here is without the compiler warning. bool..

Set Default DateTime Format c#


override the default DateTime.ToString format to be dd MMM yyyy . I do not want this format to change when the site is.. culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern dd MMM yyyy culture.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture..

Wait for file to be freed by process


a clutter issue var timeStamp DateTime.Now.ToString ddd MMM dd yyyy hh mm ss var fileName C HelpMe timeStamp .jpg var fileName..

Javascript date to C# via Ajax


Wed Dec 16 00 00 00 UTC 0400 2009 ddd MMM d HH mm ss UTCzzzzz yyyy CultureInfo.InvariantCulture share..

Format date in C#


0 y yy yyy yyyy dt 8 08 008 2008 year String.Format 0 M MM MMM MMMM dt 3 03 Mar March month String.Format 0 d dd ddd dddd dt.. yy yyy yyyy dt 8 08 008 2008 year String.Format 0 M MM MMM MMMM dt 3 03 Mar March month String.Format 0 d dd ddd dddd dt 9..

How to create and use a custom IFormatProvider for DateTime?


case en GB return date.ToString ddd dd MMM default return date.ToString ddd MMM dd default throw new FormatException.. date.ToString ddd dd MMM default return date.ToString ddd MMM dd default throw new FormatException I was expecting to be..

Parse DateTime with timezone of form PST/CEST/UTC/etc


DateTime dt DateTime.ParseExact 24 okt 08 21 09 06 CEST dd MMM yy HH mm ss ... culture The problem is what should I use for.. 24 okt 08 21 09 06 CEST .Replace CEST 2 dd MMM yy HH mm ss z culture DateTime dt2 DateTime.ParseExact 24 okt.. 24 okt 08 21 09 06 CEST .Replace CEST 02 dd MMM yy HH mm ss zz culture DateTime dt3 DateTime.ParseExact 24 okt..

Get Month name from month number [duplicate]


Parsing a Date with Month name to C# DateTime


DateTime.ParseExact . DateTime.ParseExact dateString dd MMM yyyy H mm ss G M Tzzz System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture..

System crashing when the print button is clicked


paragraph.AddTab paragraph.AddDateField dd MMM yyyy _table section.AddTable _table.Style Table _table.Borders.Color.. row1.Cells 8 .AddParagraph item.Enddate.ToString dd MMM yyyy row1.Cells 9 .Format.Alignment ParagraphAlignment.Right..

Where's the DateTime 'Z' format specifier?


representing local time offset const string format ddd MMM dd HH mm ss zzzzz yyyy create a UTC time const string expected..

DateTimePicker: pick both date and time


You could then type in directly the date time. If you use MMM you'll need to use the numeric value for the month for entry..