c# Programming Glossary: modularity
What does it mean when you say C# is component oriented language? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1234283/what-does-it-mean-when-you-say-c-sharp-is-component-oriented-language such as information hiding data abstraction encapsulation modularity polymorphism and inheritance. It was not commonly used in mainstream..
Design - Where should objects be registered when using Windsor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1410719/design-where-should-objects-be-registered-when-using-windsor composed as late as possible because that ensures maximum modularity and that modules are as loosely coupled as possible. In practice..
Why ever use fields instead of properties? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2166433/why-ever-use-fields-instead-of-properties Even for private fields it seems like the flexibility and modularity that properties offer can at best save you serious headaches..
Performance overhead for properties in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3264833/performance-overhead-for-properties-in-net in a class. Is this only because of abstaraction and modularity Are there any other over riding reasons The property accesses.. this question Is this only because of abstaraction and modularity Are there any other over riding reasons Not that I know of these..
Succinct and light-weight API: REST+JSON in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3710635/succinct-and-light-weight-api-restjson-in-net of WCF when it came out and I praised its design for its modularity and extensibility. However as I used it more and more often..
MVVM Light + Unity or Prism? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750255/mvvm-light-unity-or-prism mvvm light share improve this question If you need modularity you'd want to look at Prism. Prism has some elements that can.. with Prism and ReactiveUI. Prism because you have to have modularity with large projects and I like the ability to remove and add..