

c# Programming Glossary: modulo

Why is String.IsNullOrEmpty faster than String.Length?


that using Linq lambda expressions and computing modulo in your benchmark is not such a good idea because these operations..

Mod of negative number is melting my brain!


but for some reason it's melting my brain today c# math modulo share improve this question I always use my own mod function..

BigInteger to Hex/Decimal/Octal/Binary strings?


octal characters. The first 24 bit chunk requires some modulo math var extra bytes.Length 3 This calculation determines how..

How to calculate D for RSA encryption from P,Q and E


Then calculate the modular multiplicative inverse of e modulo phi which I describe in my answer to 1 BigInteger in C# . Your.. Carmichael function see Why RSA encryption key is based on modulo phi n rather than modulo n on crypto.SE share improve this..

How to convert a column number (eg. 127) into an excel column (eg. AA)


dividend columnNumber string columnName String.Empty int modulo while dividend 0 modulo dividend 1 26 columnName Convert.ToChar.. columnName String.Empty int modulo while dividend 0 modulo dividend 1 26 columnName Convert.ToChar 65 modulo .ToString.. 0 modulo dividend 1 26 columnName Convert.ToChar 65 modulo .ToString columnName dividend int dividend modulo 26 return..

Floating Point Arithmetic - Modulo Operator on Double Type


on Double Type So I'm trying to figure out why the modulo operator is returning such a large unusual value. If I have..

Why does C# require you to write a null check every time you fire an event?


within a class you're actually accessing the field itself modulo a few changes in C# 4 let's not go there for the moment . So..

Is C# really slower than say C++?


managed in the heap. The rest of the memory is then free modulo finalizers having to be run but at least in well written code..