c# Programming Glossary: item2
Multi-key dictionary in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171812/multi-key-dictionary-in-c T1 Item1 public readonly T2 Item2 public Tuple T1 item1 T2 item2 Item1 item1 Item2 item2 public static class Tuple for type inference.. T2 Item2 public Tuple T1 item1 T2 item2 Item1 item1 Item2 item2 public static class Tuple for type inference goodness. public.. public static Tuple T1 T2 Create T1 T2 T1 item1 T2 item2 return new Tuple T1 T2 item1 item2 You get immutability .GetHashcode..
Why can't I retrieve an item from a HashSet without enumeration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494812/why-cant-i-retrieve-an-item-from-a-hashset-without-enumeration getCompositeValue SoonilsDataType item1 SoonilsDataType item2 if item1.equals A item2.equals B return C Enum's automatically.. item1 SoonilsDataType item2 if item1.equals A item2.equals B return C Enum's automatically inherit values which..
How would you do a “not in” query with Linq? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/183791/how-would-you-do-a-not-in-query-with-linq I have a join like... var matches from item1 in list1 join item2 in list2 on item1.Email equals item2.Email select new Email.. item1 in list1 join item2 in list2 on item1.Email equals item2.Email select new Email list1.Email But I cannot join since I..
Size of managed structures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2127707/size-of-managed-structures Pack 1 struct Bar static void Write T1 T2 T1 item1 T2 item2 where T1 struct where T2 struct using MemoryMappedFile file.. accessor.Write T1 0L ref item1 1 accessor.Write T2 ref item2 2 static void Main Foo foo new Foo C 'α' B true Bar bar new.. BindingFlags.Static static void Write T1 T2 T1 item1 T2 item2 where T1 struct where T2 struct using MemoryMappedFile file..
How do you programmatically fill in a form and 'POST' a web page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26857/how-do-you-programmatically-fill-in-a-form-and-post-a-web-page http mysite myform.aspx string postData item1 11111 item2 22222 Item3 33333 byte send Encoding.Default.GetBytes postData..
Mutually exclusive checkable menu items? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3652688/mutually-exclusive-checkable-menu-items MenuItem x Name MenuItem_Item2 IsCheckable True Header item2 MenuItem x Name MenuItem_Item3 IsCheckable True Header item3.. that are mutually exclusive Where is the user checks item2 item's 1 and 3 are automatically unchecked. I can accomplish.. someGroup IsCheckable True Header item2 MenuItem x Name MenuItem_Item3 YourNamespace MenuItemExtensions.GroupName..
C# listView, how do I add items to columns 2, 3 and 4 etc? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/473148/c-sharp-listview-how-do-i-add-items-to-columns-2-3-and-4-etc SubItem1b item1.SubItems.Add SubItem1c ListViewItem item2 new ListViewItem Something2 item2.SubItems.Add SubItem2a item2.SubItems.Add.. SubItem1c ListViewItem item2 new ListViewItem Something2 item2.SubItems.Add SubItem2a item2.SubItems.Add SubItem2b item2.SubItems.Add.. new ListViewItem Something2 item2.SubItems.Add SubItem2a item2.SubItems.Add SubItem2b item2.SubItems.Add SubItem2c ListViewItem..
Is there an easy way to merge C# anonymous objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5130367/is-there-an-easy-way-to-merge-c-sharp-anonymous-objects like static dynamic Combine dynamic item1 dynamic item2 var dictionary1 IDictionary string object item1 var dictionary2.. object item1 var dictionary2 IDictionary string object item2 var result new ExpandoObject var d result as IDictionary string..
C# - What is the best way to modify a list in a 'foreach' loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/759966/c-sharp-what-is-the-best-way-to-modify-a-list-in-a-foreach-loop the following foreach var item in Enumerable foreach var item2 in item.Enumerable item.Add new item2 Usually I use an IList.. foreach var item2 in item.Enumerable item.Add new item2 Usually I use an IList as a cache buffer until the end of the..
Multi-key dictionary in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171812/multi-key-dictionary-in-c Tuple T1 T2 public readonly T1 Item1 public readonly T2 Item2 public Tuple T1 item1 T2 item2 Item1 item1 Item2 item2 public.. T2 Item2 public Tuple T1 item1 T2 item2 Item1 item1 Item2 item2 public static class Tuple for type inference goodness...
How to Draw line/s between Two DataGridView Controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16061001/how-to-draw-line-s-between-two-datagridview-controls .ToList Items2 Enumerable.Range 0 1000 .Select x Item2 x.ToString .ToList DataContext this private void OnLoaded..
Remove duplicates in the list using linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1606679/remove-duplicates-in-the-list-using-linq with duplicated items. For ex. 1 Item1 IT00001 100 2 Item2 IT00002 200 3 Item3 IT00003 150 1 Item1 IT00001 100 3 Item3..
How to add child nodes to custom asp.net user control derived from System.Web.UI.Control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3642743/how-to-add-child-nodes-to-custom-asp-net-user-control-derived-from-system-web-ui Item1 Abc Control1Child IntegerProperty 2 StringProperty Item2 Children Abc CustomControlUno You need the following code ParseChildren..
Getting selected value from RadioButtonList http://stackoverflow.com/questions/378620/getting-selected-value-from-radiobuttonlist server asp ListItem Text Item1 Value 1 asp ListItem Text Item2 Value 2 asp ListItem Text Item3 Value 3 asp ListItem Text Item4..
How to sort depended objects by dependency http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4106862/how-to-sort-depended-objects-by-dependency Item3 depends on Item1 Item1 does not depend on any one Item2 depends on Item4 Item5 does not depend on any one Result Item1.. does not depend on any one Result Item1 Item5 Item3 Item4 Item2 Thank you. SOLUTION Topological Sorting thanks to Loïc Février..
How to override MeasureOverride to find the size of ItemsControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8844994/how-to-override-measureoverride-to-find-the-size-of-itemscontrol new MyControl.Row MyVal Item1 new MyControl.Row MyVal Item2 new MyControl.Row MyVal Item3 control1.MyItems test control1.Measure..
How can I get the CheckBoxList selected values, what I have doesn't seem to work C#.NET/VisualWebPart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9523263/how-can-i-get-the-checkboxlist-selected-values-what-i-have-doesnt-seem-to-work Item 1 Item1 YrChkBox.Items.Add new ListItem Item 2 Item2 protected void YrChkBox_SelectedIndexChanged object sender..