c# Programming Glossary: item.tostring
Best approach for designing F# libraries for use from both F# and C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110174/best-approach-for-designing-f-libraries-for-use-from-both-f-and-c-sharp F# let useComposeInFsharp let composite compose fun item item.ToString fun item printfn A item composite foo composite bar In C# the.. like this let useCompose2InFsharp let f Func _ _ fun item item.ToString let a Action _ fun item printfn A item let composite2 compose2..
Click events on Array of buttons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11061675/click-events-on-array-of-buttons foreach var item in s var b new Button b.Text My Button item.ToString b.CommandName custom command b.CommandArgument item.ToString.. b.CommandName custom command b.CommandArgument item.ToString b.Click new EventHandler b_Click this.myPanel.Controls.Add.. foreach var item in s var b new Button b.Text My Button item.ToString b.Click new EventHandler buttonHandler this.myPanel.Controls.Add..
How do you impersonate an Active Directory user in Powershell? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11806/how-do-you-impersonate-an-active-directory-user-in-powershell object item in pipeline.Error.ReadToEnd resultString Error item.ToString n runspace.Close foreach PSObject obj in results resultString..
listbox selected items in winform http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420514/listbox-selected-items-in-winform
TextBox.Text Leaking Memory in WPF Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3336908/textbox-text-leaking-memory-in-wpf-application i 1 foreach int item in arraystatus s.Append i.ToString t item.ToString i 8 0 n t i txtStatus.Text s.ToString arraystatus null s null..
MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656758/mvc3-razor-dropdownlistfor-enums in Enum.GetValues enumType FieldInfo fi enumType.GetField item.ToString var attribute fi.GetCustomAttributes typeof DescriptionAttribute.. true .FirstOrDefault var title attribute null item.ToString DescriptionAttribute attribute .Description var listItem new..
C# Can I display images in a list box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/472897/c-sharp-can-i-display-images-in-a-list-box Color.White e.Bounds Draw the item. string text item.ToString SizeF stringSize e.Graphics.MeasureString text this.Font e.Graphics.DrawString..
Capture username with log4net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4813242/capture-username-with-log4net item item context.Items Option if item null setting item.ToString writer.Write setting You might also find these links useful..
Create Generic method constraining T to an Enum http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79126/create-generic-method-constraining-t-to-an-enum defaultValue foreach T item in Enum.GetValues typeof T if item.ToString .ToLower .Equals value.Trim .ToLower return item return defaultValue.. defaultValue foreach T item in Enum.GetValues typeof T if item.ToString .ToLower .Equals value.Trim .ToLower return item return defaultValue..