

c# Programming Glossary: issuccess

UnobservedTaskException being throw but it is handled by a TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException handler and a continuations OnlyOnFaulted handler [duplicate]


me.Set else bool isCancelation false bool isSuccess true Task NonBlockCtxTask CreateHandledTask tsk CreateHandledTask.. cancellationToken cde_pat.Signal if itsOnTime isSuccess false Task tact CreateHandledTask ts.action TaskCreationOptions.None.. catch OperationCanceledException oce isSuccess false cde_pat.Signal cde_pat.CurrentCount isCancelation true..

How do I pass credentials to a machine so I can use Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey() on it?


for signing in part just use IntPtr token IntPtr.Zero bool isSuccess LogonUser username domain password LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS..

SSL (https) error on my custom proxy server


myWebResponse HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse bool isSuccess int myWebResponse.StatusCode 299 int myWebResponse.StatusCode.. 299 int myWebResponse.StatusCode 200 if isSuccess using Stream reader myWebResponse.GetResponseStream int..