c# Programming Glossary: it.isany
Need help to understand Moq better http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1073846/need-help-to-understand-moq-better each of things it can do. The first thing I don't get is It.IsAny string . example using string Is there an advantage of using.. c# mocking lambda moq share improve this question It.IsAny It.Is These can be useful when you're passing a new reference.. manager.CreatePerson Bob 12 mockRepository.Verify p p.Add It.IsAny Person If you wanted to make this test more explicit you can..
Unit Test HTTPRequest Headers with ServiceStack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14790695/unit-test-httprequest-headers-with-servicestack Act HttpResult response HttpResult service.Post It.IsAny PlayerDTO Assert Assert.NotNull response Assert.AreEqual HttpStatusCode.Created..
How to test method call order with Moq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1765738/how-to-test-method-call-order-with-moq GameTime .Object Assert. screenMockOne.Verify smo smo.Draw It.IsAny GameTime Times.Once Draw was not called on screen mock one.. on screen mock one screenMockTwo.Verify smo smo.Draw It.IsAny GameTime Times.Once Draw was not called on screen mock two..
Moq.Mock<T> - how to setup a method that takes an expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2751935/moq-mockt-how-to-setup-a-method-that-takes-an-expression can set it up like this _mockRepos.Setup x x.Single Page It.IsAny Expression Func Page bool .Returns etc... However you are coming.. want to put an actual expression there instead of using It.IsAny but Moq doesn't support setting up methods that take expressions..
Using Moq to set indexers in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2916348/using-moq-to-set-indexers-in-c-sharp Mock ISomeClass someClass.Setup o o.SomeIndexedProperty It.IsAny int .Returns int index someValues index Moq doesn't set the..
How to MOQ an Indexed property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/340827/how-to-moq-an-indexed-property new Dictionary string object mock.ExpectGet object p p It.IsAny string .Returns MyContainer string s But that doesn't compile...
Difference between Dependency Injection and Mocking framework (Ninject vs RhinoMock or Moq) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5433211/difference-between-dependency-injection-and-mocking-framework-ninject-vs-rhinom Mock IUserRepository fakeUserRepo.Setup f f.GetUserName It.IsAny int .Returns FakeUser does the same thing as the class declaration..