c# Programming Glossary: isvisible
Dynamicly create a playboard for Minesweeper game http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13587311/dynamicly-create-a-playboard-for-minesweeper-game public int ColumnIndex public int RowIndex public bool IsVisible public bool IsMine public int NumberAdjacentMines share improve..
Improving Winforms performance with large number of controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14565773/improving-winforms-performance-with-large-number-of-controls more complex and add some properties like public bool IsVisible get set and so on. I strongly suggest you take a look at WPF..
Dynamically Updating TabControl Content at Runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15209870/dynamically-updating-tabcontrol-content-at-runtime IsEnabled Setter Property Visibility Value Binding IsVisible Converter StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter Setter Property.. IsEnabled private bool _isVisible public bool IsVisible get return _isVisible set _isVisible value NotifyPropertyChange.. _isVisible set _isVisible value NotifyPropertyChange IsVisible With this example each item TabItem in the TabControl will..
parse and execute JS by C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4744105/parse-and-execute-js-by-c-sharp Flags private enum ScriptText None 0 DelayExecution 1 IsVisible 2 IsExpression 32 IsPersistent 64 HostManageSource 128 Flags.. 1 ITypeInfo 2 Flags private enum ScriptItem None 0 IsVisible 2 IsSource 4 GlobalMembers 8 IsPersistent 64 CodeOnly 512 NoCode.. name _engine.AddNamedItem name ScriptItem.IsVisible ScriptItem.IsSource Site.NamedItems name value internal class..
How to hide desktop icons programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6402834/how-to-hide-desktop-icons-programatically true if the window is visible false if not. static bool IsVisible IntPtr hWnd GetWindow GetWindow FindWindow Progman Program..