c# Programming Glossary: frm.show
How do I prevent the app from terminating when I close the startup form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10769193/how-do-i-prevent-the-app-from-terminating-when-i-close-the-startup-form that button clicked. First I tried Form2 frm new Form2 frm.Show this.Close but as Form1 was closed Form2 also got closed. Next.. Form2 also got closed. Next I tried Form2 frm new Form2 frm.Show this.Hide but there is a disadvantage that the application does..
Communicate between two windows forms in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1665533/communicate-between-two-windows-forms-in-c-sharp object sender EventArgs e Form2 frm new Form2 this frm.Show public string LabelText get return Lbl.Text set Lbl.Text value..
Winform Forms Closing and opening a new form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677528/winform-forms-closing-and-opening-a-new-form Closing and opening a new form 1. frmHome frm new frmHome frm.Show this.Close I'm opening HomeForm from LoginForm . In LoginForm.. set it to false before closing frmHome frm new frmHome frm.Show exit false this.Close and in form_closed if exit Application.Exit.. flag replace in your current code frmHome frm new frmHome frm.Show this.Close by frmHome frm new frmHome this.Visible false frm.ShowDialog..
There is a Default instance of form in VB.Net but not in C#, WHY? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698538/there-is-a-default-instance-of-form-in-vb-net-but-not-in-c-why we do something like this Only method Form1 frm new Form1 frm.Show But in VB.Net we have both ways to do it 'First common method.. it properly Form1.Show 'Second method Dim frm as New Form1 frm.Show 1 My question comes from this first method. What is this Form1..
Cross-thread exception when setting WinForms.Form owner - how to do it right? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5273674/cross-thread-exception-when-setting-winforms-form-owner-how-to-do-it-right false var frm new Form2 frm.Show this Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls true Application.Run..
Custom Class for dealing with embedding in Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/543087/custom-class-for-dealing-with-embedding-in-forms 0 frm.Top 0 frm.Width ctl.Width 4 frm.Dock DockStyle.Fill frm.Show IMPORTANT .Show fires a form load event frm.BringToFront public.. 0 frm.Top 0 frm.Width ctl.Width 4 frm.Dock DockStyle.Fill frm.Show IMPORTANT .Show fires a form load event frm.BringToFront public.. 0 Xfrm.Width ctl.Width 4 Xfrm.Dock DockStyle.Fill Xfrm.Show IMPORTANT .Show fires a form load event Xfrm.BringToFront ..